Chapter 1 Verse 1

So I suppose an introduction is in order...I am @olympus-mons, I was informed of Steemit by my IRL friend @bluerthangreen, he told me about a site where I could post whatever interested me and potentially bring in money doing so. Considering I already do that on other social media platforms, minus the bringing in money part, I thought why not, could be fun.

A little background info on myself, I currently live in Wisconsin and I'm attending Uni for a degree in History, I have a ways to go because I'd love the opportunity to go to Grad School, but I'm enjoying the journey along the way. Outside of History, my interests are wide ranging, and I spend a lot of time reading and researching any topics that piques my interest. Due to that, I've built a very loyal, diverse and engaging following on other social media platforms and my hope is that I can create that here as well.

One of the biggest reasons I'm here is due to the fact that I have a controversial sense of humor and its why I've been looking for an alternative to the Facebook/Reddit/Tumblr crowed. This idea of censorship that is taking place on those sites and others is both exasperating and frightening. I understand those sites are free to police their content however they see fit, but I feel Facebook is doing more than just censoring criminal content, they're pushing the collective narrative to censor any and all that don't completely align with them which is exacerbating an already colossal divide we're seeing in our country right now.

Anyway, I'm not sure how this Steemit experiment will go, but due to the success I've had building a following on other social media platforms, I don't see why that can't continue here. Thanks for reading.

Oh yea, memes bro, memes.

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