I have been a proponent of an inclusive funding of projects and new ideas driven by youths across the world with a special interest in Africa. During my search for an entity that its operation is centered on this passion of mine, I came across African Crowdfunding Association (ACfA) of which I am now a full member with the responsibility of Content and communications Development.

The ACfA is the association of both Crowdfunding platforms in Africa and they also accepts individual professionals. The aim of the this prestigious association is to make sure crowdfunding legislation and reforms are properly drafted, crafted, and grafted to create a more responsive inclusive funding in Africa that predominantly subject capitals under the ideals of democracy or democratization.

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Crowdfunding which has already made huge economic waves in the United States, Europe and Asia, is a method of financing or raising capital that harnesses the power of the masses, or the “crowd” to fund a project, business or endeavours, typically via the Internet. Massolution comment that “crowdfunding is expected for explosive growth.” In nations where Crowdfunding is legal, it has levelled the economic playing field, giving access to capital needed for wealth creation to women and minorities that typically are underserved by traditional capital markets. -ACfA

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There is a big wealth chasm in the developing world, and crowdfunding can fill up this chasm and as well as form building blocks for a decentralized monetary systems that would give rise to a decentralized economic and governmental system. Crowdfunding provides equity as well as equal access to funds that is essential for the sustainable development of the unreached and underserved communities in Africa.

The ACfA will educate not only the public, but also the policymakers about the benefits of crowdfunding for Africa.

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Crowdfunding is the democratization of funding for entrepreneurs especially the young and innovative ones who have little access to capital on their own. There have been many African and International assistance or backing for African innovative entrepreneurs and changemakers that have had the courage to launch new ideas into the world.

There are so many inspiring entrepreneurs in Africa who could do so much to change the world with access to capital. Crowdfunding is the next-gen solution to Africa’s development agenda.


ACfA is adding members and we encourage all crowdfunding companies based in Africa, those willing to extend their reach to Africa and those companies who support the growth of crowdfunding to contact us. Partner with us in bringing a revolutionary change to Finance in Africa through Crowdfunding.

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