Lessons from the Mat [What Ive learned training BJJ ] My journey From White to Blue belt

Brazilian Jujitsu , often referred to as 'El arte Suave' , is not as smooth and subtle as the referred Portuguese title would indicate .
Infact , being mounted [Opponent in position sitting on top of your chest ] would be enough to send the general population into a panic attack , gasping for air like a fish out of water .
To that point , I and many other practitioners of the art can attest that in the process of developing our skills on the mat [ and over coming the Spazz-out-response ] We have improved our lives in a multitude of ways . For some It may be Weight loss and getting in better shape , While others gain confidence and Self assured-ness , the shy guys developing and comes out of their shell [we have all seen it ] , while many feel that the positive social circle they gain In an Academy is the greatest benefit they could ever ask for .

I believe that martial arts , and Brazilian Jujitsu in particular can benefit us all in a multitude of ways encompassing the mind , the body and the spirit .

BJJ has helped me get clear on what it is I most enjoy in life and How I want to live and lead my life from this point on .

Over the coming posts I will be detailing the benefits I have felt on my journey , as I attempt to spread this life altering practice with as many of you as possible [Hey If even one of you give it a go , Ill be delighted 💪💪😄😄]

Lesson 1

A potent lesson that I have learned from both training and competition that applies to every aspect of life ;
You can not give up on yourself ,
its difficult to admit , but In competition I have felt myself , my will to win , Break under pressure.
When in a bad situation , you think you would rather be at home and in bed .If there was an antidote to success , regardless the field , this sort of thinking would be it .You have to cheer yourself on when things get tough .
I have since trained myself not to fear failure or loss , but to never give up on myself .
This lesson has resurfaced time and time again. Since I quit my job some months ago to pursue my path , I have come against hurdles , I have faced obstacles , I have failed ,But I continue to try again for I know that I will only become stronger in the process .

Further more to the above point : Failure is not something to fear . Failure is a guide .

As a teen , A guidance councilor Once posed the question ''Do you know what FAIL stands for ? ' in his thick Kiwi Accent
to an assembly hall full of Irish Highschool aged kids

His raspy New Zealand accent echoed out ;
''First Attempt In Learning ''

This has become my foundation

BJJ has killed my fear of failure . As We all fail on the mat , every single day . Right now a top Brazilian black belt is tapping out , We all tap , IT IS NOT A LOSS .....BUT AN INDICATOR
If I keep getting triangled From closed guard , well then I know what I have to work on 😄

That which makes us most uncomfortable , Is probably what we should be working on .

On the mat , If you aren't comfortable playing open guard ....Well , this should be clear .
this is yet another lesson which is so clear in its application to martial arts which has applications to every aspect of life . If public speaking is your greatest fear , addressing it will have cascading effects for your confidence .
If its talking to the opposite sex [ without getting hammered ] Imagine how empowered you will feel when You can repeatedly approach that girl who made eye contact and start up a banter filled conversation .

Thanks for reading guys . This has been my first post , and there will be much more like it to come .
Any questions , Holla at me .
Keep on rolling

Challenge yourself------> Fail ------> fail forward ----> Adapt ----> Overcome


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