Helping the poor

The life you are living is not yours and your creator(God) can call for it at anytime He want it but for the little time you have to live it please help the poor around you
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You may not be a the richest in the world but you can be the reason for the poor happiness just by giving a cup of water to the poor..yes you are rich with cars,houses and companies but you can effort a cup of tea for the poor my dear you are very poor too
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We are here for all of us no one is created to buy the whole world all by his or her self, putting a smile on the poor face will buy you thousands of happiness your money can't get for you...
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You have so much while out there are the poor crying for just a meal please go out and help them and you will be forever glad that you did, let us come together to help our love ones in need..Thank you and God bless you all

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