Introduce youself

Hello steemit community. My name is norman and this is kinda tough because I hate talking about myself. I was born in 81. In orange county ,Ca. The perfect era. Music was epic growing up 90s grunge music, nirvana to pearljam. punkrock- misfits and antiflag. raps east west rivalry, Tupac & master p. Growing up as an 80s baby i cant forget the classic sitcoms. " Charles is charge, small wonder, Mr belvedere." Anyway you get an overall idea. That was a pleasant flashback. Flash forward to present. Living in AZ. Working construction. Boring life. I love to read, watch movies. I'm interested in everything
Love learning. Full of ideas. Would love to start,create,invent. Looking for like minded individuals to toss around ideas. Also I appreciate this platform thats an outlet for my thoughts, feelings, ideas. file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20180429_153959.jpg

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