What's up everybody?!

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What's up steemers? My name is Niko House. Just a little bit about me. I was the president and founder of Carolina Students for Bernie Sanders, which was the largest Bernie organization in the country in the 2016 primary election. I was also the president for NC Colleges for Bernie. I was the lead investigative researcher for the JAMPAC, a progressive super pac dedicated to giving exposure to progressive candidates and progressive media. I was also the one to break the news about the Hillary Victory Fund money laundering scandal in 2016 as a result of my investigations. I am 1/3 of the group that orchestrated and created the famous DNC Fraud Law Suit that exposed that the DNC feels they can "Pick their candidate while smoking cigars in the back room". Now, I am a political radio show host, part time comedian, podcaster, and social media personality trying to make change and create political awareness however and whenever I can. Thanks for the follow in advance! I am really excited about being a part of this awesome Steemit community!

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