From Then Till Now, My Intro to Steemit

Hey all,

Gonna start my first post on Steemit with a little....well alot of about me. This is gonna cover most of my adulthood. and how I ended up a little lost at 30. My name is Nick, or Nicky Mohawk, and I'm just your average semi-stay at home dad. I spent some time in the military, and am proud to have served my country. I've been through one divorce but recently became engaged to the love of my life Anna. I have the most amazing daughter I could ever ask for from my first marriage named London. That is the very brief rundown, now back to where Nicky Mohawk started.
So let's start off with how I started getting called Nicky Mohawk. Simple enough, in my group of friends we had two Nicks. To distinguish us they added mohawk to my name because well.... as you can see I had a mohawk. The other Nicky got stuck with Nicky B because he had a blue car. Odd choice but it ended up working and it stuck. I was a bit wild back then, I was drinking a bunch, experimenting with drugs and partying way too much to stay in college. So I dropped out, decided to join the Army and eloped with my girlfriend so she could come with me. Silly choice but hey it got me headed towards the right path.
So fast forward through basic training, and my job training I ended up as a food service specialist. I choose the job because it had a quick ship date and I didn't want a combat job. Plus I always loved to cook :)

My first duty station was in Germany and my then wife followed me out there. We ended up having a wonderful little surprise out there when she became pregnant. We were happy about the kid, but our marriage was a hot mess. We were always fighting, we couldn't agree on anything. We pressed on though, and during the pregnancy, we got deployment assignment. I ended up deploying 4 months after my little girl was born.

During the deployment, things were much better between my ex-wife, but it hurt so much being away from my little princess. From my daughter being born, and throughout that deployment it profoundly changed who I was. I felt the weight of making sure someone else is taken care of, the drive to provide her a bright future. I worked crazy hours during the deployment, and it drove me to have a strong work ethic. I grew up so much over that year, I came back home with a drive to fix my life and my marriage. I changed, but it wasn't enough. Looking back we were never a good fit together, and we should have ended it long before we did. We dragged on through our relationship over a couple more years and another deployment until finally, I ended it.

When I ended it, I still had time to serve on my Army contract. She moved back to Colorado with our daughter to be with family, while I had to stay in Georgia. We remained married and decided to file for divorce when I got out. I had just got back from a 9 month deployment, and now my daughter was leaving me again. She had just turned 3, and by the time I'd be out I'd miss another year of her life. It was the hardest thing for me, out of 4 years of London's life I missed 3 of them. It hurt so much, and I started going down a dark path. That's when I met Anna, my now fiance. Everything changed, she became my rock to lean on and my light to reach for. This woman has a never-ending pool of love, and she let it pour into my soul. It filled me up, it gave me hope to get back to my daughter. Around when I met her I also began the medical board process in the military. I had suffered a back injury during a deployment and it was starting to limit how I could perform my job. As a cook I needed to be able to lift heavy boxes. I was unable to do that anymore, as well as many other tasks. Over the course of a year, I went through that process and spent time with Anna in Georgia. I explained to her that when I was done I needed to go be with my daughter, that I had to go back to Colorado. So I asked her to come with me. I knew it was a lot to ask for her to drop everything and move, but she agreed. When I was discharged in 2015 I immediately went back to Colorado, and after I got things set up Anna joined me a couple months later. Even when her friends told her that I would get back with my ex, or that I would change my mind she believed. I'm so glad she did.

Now after 3 years of us being together, Anna, my daughter and I are happy to share somethings we love to do together. We go to Denver Comic-Con every year and dress up, and we dress up together for Halloween. We are all geeks, and somehow these two ladies have learned to love video games, anime and all types of other fandoms. Anna even pushed me to get the gamer sleeve I always wanted.

Even got the joys of having my daughter build her first raspberry pi computer. It was an amazing gift from her grandma, the same person that gave me my love for computers when I was a kid.

As you can see, my life has got to a place where I am truly happy. I have an amazing partner and an amazing daughter. I have had the joy of not working, thanks to VA disability and the GI Bill I have been able to provide for them while taking time off. As I have neared my last year of school though I am starting to panic on what I'm going to do. I am studying business currently and will finish my degree next year, time to start figuring out what to do with it though. I originally wanted to start my own business with a buddy, but I'm not so sure about it. I've recently begun diving into cryptocurrency, and have set up our gaming machines to mine Monero. I'm excited to explore blockchain technology and cryptocurrency and I may end up pursuing it by profession. After stumbling on Steemit, I decided to start up blogging again much like I started back when Livejournal was my thing 12+ years ago. Gonna talk about my experiences learning about cryptocurrency, our family adventures, and mishaps. I'll even end up talking about my love for gaming. Thanks all for reading this long spiel. The rest will end up being much shorter XD

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