New Here Looking to Learn and Make Friends

Hello world!
I'm Nickolai. Most people call me Nicko
I'm a graphic designer and video editor.
Not an expert yet but I'm improving a bit every day.
I've made some videos and websites for artists, mostly for my friends and contacts in L.A.
I'm born and raised in Norway and I'm a dual citizen; hence my profile says "Norway, Oslo, L.A".


Some of my interests: Longboarding, Skating, Gaming, Game dev, Programming.

My goals for the year: Hoping to learn more programming, mostly game-dev oriented and C#. Improve my blogging skills.
Maybe work on my own youtube channel. Get over camera shyness. I'll probably try DTube too.

Some links where you may find me:
On Twitter @NickoGibson
On YouTube /user/Aurudin
I write @ TubeBlogger
Sharing some of my images (Free to Use) on Flickr

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