I Sell Tshirts Online - Here are Some of the Tshirts I Printed Today!


I sell tshirts online. My goal is to quit my 9 to 5 job

So I can focus on Steemit and my online business selling tshirts. The only way I can quit my job is make sure that my online tshirt business is making more than my 9 to 5 job salary. I will blog about my online business usually couple times a week.

"You need to spend money to make money"

In any platform, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and Steemit, in order for you to be shown on the first page of search results, you really need to pay for advertising. I have used all these platforms. I've tried selling tshirts online without using advertising. It is very difficult to get a sale. Your website or product may be found on like the 23rd page of search results. No customer has the time to search all the way to the 23rd page to find you. Most customers will only look at the first and second page of search results. This applies to all platforms as mentioned above. If you want to get sales, advertising is necessary whether you like it or not.

I know advertising works as I was a co-founder in a screen printing company from 2009 to 2014. First year of business only made $50,000 in sales. As soon as we started advertising on google, 2nd year we made $200,000 in sales. By the time it was 2013, our sales were at $900,000. In 2013, we spent approx $10,000 a month on Google advertising, that's $120,000 in google advertising for the year. I left in 2014 as this business took too much of my time, I got engaged in 2014, and my wife to be said no more to my 12 to 16 hour work days. I had 7 employees to oversee, and everything was a rush order. Working 12 to 16 hours a day, and 6 days a week, was extremely stressful and exhausting. I ended up getting really sick and sold my shares.

The 9 to 5 job salary is good, but I don't like having a boss as I use to be a boss. I F*CKING HATE being asked "Why were you late?"... BECAUSE LIFE HAPPENS. I have a baby. Train delay. I woke up late by accident, not intentionally. I've probably been late about once a month. Usually only 5 mins late. Stop belittling me. I am too intelligent for this management game you are playing.

Now, since 2016, I've been selling tshirts online on the side while keeping a 9 to 5 job. I've printed over 5000 tshirts so far. I own multiple online shops (For safety, and to make more money, and more chances of visibility for your website or product. I'll post a blog later on why it is important to have more than 1 online store). I love that I am working for myself again. Being my own boss is very rewarding and uplifting. NO EMPLOYEES. I can take my time, no one is rushing me. I never have to meet customers face to face, WHICH IS AMAZING. So stress won't get me sick this time, as stress levels are low in this type of online business. Even after 2 years, I am still trying to figure out the best strategy for advertising on the platform I am selling on. Soon I'll figure it out, so I can get even more sales and then I can finally quit my 9 to 5 job. I'm guessing I have to pay for more advertising!

Anyways, that's me introducing myself. Good Night!

It means NO STRESS, I love it!

This customer is either a proud Mexican or some white dude who really is obsessed with burritos.

This is a cool birthday tshirt.

Someone's going to Disney!

Surprisingly popular.

Nature's greatest creations are weighed in ounces and grams :-)

My office setup.

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