Heyy, new here, introducing myself a little bit !


Hello everyone ! Hope you're having a fantastic day :D

My name is Jonathan, I'm 25 years old and I'm from Italy: the land of pizza, mozzarella, mafia, Renzi and his legendary "naw it's the taim for lunch" (tuscanized english should be considered illegal btw).
I love nature, mountain biking, philosophy, psychology, physics, and most of all, critical and creative thinking.
On my spare time I also play some videogames, although not so much lately.
Games such as the (in)famous League of Legends and the less famous Planetside2 are my go to, but I also play Space Engineers and Stellaris on some occasions.
I'm the typical chill guy, I'm quite an introvert person, and I'm very tied up to ideals.
I often take things lightly tho, but in a healthy way, and I hate being too serious: I believe there's a balance, an equilibrium, to be followed, at least for me.

I first came across Steemit while doing some research on cryptocurrencies.
I find it a great project, as its foundation is actual content, rather than the value people give to the currency itself, meaning that there's something there, something that is not subjective, not an opinion and not something purely abstract, so to speak: it's real, it's the effort of people trying to put together articles and generally speaking, trying to share knowledge, adventures, art, and even more generally speaking, real things.
I'm aware that this is just my opinion: I'm not saying it's the truth or anything, but I stand firm in believing that we're sitting on something solid, contrary to a lot of other cryptos, which count on people's opinions and the value they themself attribute to that specific currency. (This is not the case for every currency, and it's not accurate either, but I find this way of describing it the most appropriate for an introduction post).
Some may argue that if you have a lot of abstraction and you cramp it up to a tight space you end up with something solid, which I believe is kinda true, but...let's just say that I see them as risky, contrary to what we have here

The reason I signed up is because I saw Steemit as a Facebook 2.0, actually maybe 3.0 or even higher tier.
I never actually enjoyed being on Facebook: the only thing I liked about it is that it connected people; Steemit does it better, and it allows people to do much more.
It allows everyone to open up a window of their life and have others take a look in, but it allows them to do so in a much healthier way: by sharing what's important and articulating it, making it possible to explain and discuss stuff, rather than just posting a picture of it or writing a Facebook status.

I'll be writing articles about my opinions and ideas, trying to do some research on the topic in order to compare these to what reputable people/teams/etc think about it, complementing what I think to what science/the-knowledgeable-guys think.

My Documents folder, the place where I put all my crazy ideas; if you want to have a closer look: Direct link to the image

I'll be mostly writing about philosophy, psychology and science in general, as I love to question everything and might have ideas worth sharing and discussing.
I'd also like to share some of my mountain bike trips I go to here in Tuscany (I'm not the best photographer, but I'll try to improve !).
Livestreaming some game session ? Sure, why not, I see there's a Livestream platform (DLive), which is great, so I'll likely be doing that soon too.

So yeah, this is something about me, and also some of the things you'll be seeing from me.
I've read a good part of the Steemit FAQs, so hopefully I'll not make any mistake in this little big adventure :)

Note: people spamming comments such as "Very good article very informative very good. Please help" will be greeted with crying cat pictures

Have a good one, and if you read up to here, thanks a lot for the patience ! See you around :)

Oh, did I mention I love engineering ? This is a flamethrower I built 7/8 years ago, I called it Red October :D

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