Hello from India! I'm Nayana here to introduce myself.

Hello there fellow Steemians!!


I’m Nayana from Kerala, India. So I’m an architect who turned into a YouTuber. That is more of a recent development. But let me tell you about myself before we dwell out into the YouTubing part.

I’m a person with a lot of passionate interests; someone who cannot point at one single hobby and say ‘I love it the most. My list just goes on, and sometimes it just keeps growing. And lately, it’s just started to feel a bit untamed and hence I’ve been referring to myself as a mixed bag of sorts.

I have always loved dancing, since when I was a teeny tiny being. It’s been one thing that I badly miss doing, with my current lifestyle.

That is me when I was just 4 years old with my kid sister, after having done my very first dance performance on stage at pre-school. I probably wasn’t so great, coz I might have had some costume mishaps. :P
As I grow up, I become more confident in my dancing skills, when I kept winning some many trophies. I’ve been professionally trained in Bharathanatyam, Kuchipudi and Mohiniyattom (which are different classical dance forms of India). I’ve always wanted to learn contemporary dancing though I never got the opportunity for that. Contemporary and Salsa will be the next forms that I hope to conquer.

Then comes my passion for singing. I’m someone who doesn’t hesitate at an opportunity to sing. I’ve never been shy about being in the limelight and singing for an audience. Hell, I love the limelight! ;-) Having been trained in Indian Classical Music, I did not dare to try out Western Music for a long, long time. I kept thinking that I wasn’t capable of it. But no, I learned later that I wasn’t bad at it either. Always had to manage songs which had a bass tone to it, as going to the higher tones were impossible for me. Yes, I’m a female with a baritone voice. Sort of sucks, as I don’t have the sweet, melodious kind of voice. :(

So recently my best friend and I had done a music video together giving a tribute to a couple of our Favourite Childhood Songs from the 90's. I hope we did some justice to those songs!

The next in my list of hobbies is doing crafts. I’ve always been a kid who loved making something personalized for my friends and family for their birthdays and festivals. Also been someone who likes making use of things lying around to put it to reuse. So when I grew up, it sort of stuck with me. And now I’m a full-time DIY-er.

See the proof??! ;-)

And finally one interest that I've latched onto seems to be making Videos on YouTube. I slowly drifted into that arena out of chance and boredom. One of those days when I was out of a job and bored, I decided to post a music video of mine on Facebook and eventually on YouTube. And the response I got from my friends and family and total strangers was sort of addictive. I'm someone everyone calls an extremely talkative person who loves to pose in front of cameras. So this seemed like the best-est job in the world that I could follow and enjoy myself. And I waded into this line of work with not a lot of expectations and hoping for the best. A year later, I still enjoy the hard work that goes into it and the sleepless nights that occur when I'm editing.

This is my whole YouTube experience for a whole year, where I talk about how experiences as a YouTuber, insecurities, and the support that I'd received for it. As a Malayali (A resident of Kerala), being a YouTuber is not always taken as a positive venture.

So as I was dwelling in the saturated space of YouTube, my husband, @spaceninja introduced me to this wonderful platform. I'm still yet to learn everything about it. But I'm a quick learner, so I figure that I'd be constantly posting here whenever I have a video on hand. And hey, as you might have figured out by now, I love writing too. So I'm hoping to do my old blogger self some justice by writing up posts here, whenever something comes to my mind.

So stay tuned, Steemians for more of my videos and posts!!!

Your fellow Steemian,


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