Joining the Steemit Family: An Introduction to My Life, Love & Joy!

Hello to all my new Steemy friends!

My name is Natalie Lovejoy. My brother @lovejoy has enticed me to join your Steemit family. I'm excited to dive deep, meet all of you and see what you're all putting out into the universe!


This is me!! I'm a Mom to my kick ass daughters Luci and Veronica, a partner to my man Jacob and his two awesome kiddos Oliver and Pieta. We share a home together in Saint Paul, MN. I'm a hairstylist, musician, kettlebell instructor, adventurer, bicycler, x-country skier and peace keeper. I'm an eternal optimist, sometimes to a fault. I practice the disbelief in the reality of forgiveness or holding grudges because that automatically insinuates I think that I am better than anyone else. I think anger is the ugliest thing a person can wear. I cry at everything between the most tender movies to a Folgers commercial. I'm a sucker for love and empathy. My hair changes with the seasons and sometimes, for no reason at all. Right now it's flaming red! Next week I'll add some blond. Sometimes it's long, sometimes it's short! Sometime you gotta change your hair before you change your life.

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I own a salon called 'Soapbox Salon and Spa' in Saint Paul. I love my job and my co-workers. In this last year, I bought a new building with more space and expanded my staff from 2 to 14 people. Holy toledo! It keeps me on my toes and I'm grateful for every minute of it!


I'm also a singer/songwriter and am currently promoting my newest album "Hiding in the Light". I try to play out as much as possible. Sometimes with my amazing cellist, sometimes with a full band! I taught myself how to play the piano at age 5 and I've been moving forward ever since. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. I've learned that things will always materialize if you work for it. I never know how to describe my music... feel free to comment if you give a listen :) You can learn more about my music at


These two are my inter-beastie love fest babies. Frank the dog and Bob the cat. My yin and yang. Sometimes I post short videos of them under #lifewithfrankandbob


This is one of my happy places. Burntside Lake... I can be found up here on my own or with my family either working OR recreating at YMCA Camp du Nord and YES.... I jump into that hole!! Its about 50 feet away from a stunning, traditional Finnish Sauna where I can warm my tootsies right away! I perform at womens retreats, sing in a music festival, teach skiing and kettlebell up here as well! It's a magical place!!


This is Toby, he's our Bearded Dragon. I was tricked into buying him by an imposter of innocence and seemingly knowledgable girl at Petco who told me they we're as easy as a goldfish to take care of. This is not true. They eat crickets (which means you have to raise crickets in a separate cage) salad greens, veggies, they need foods fortified with calcium, you have to occasionally mist them, clean their shit up immediately because it smells so bad, maintain very specific temps at either side of the cage and cuddle with them. Our kids think he is the best so now that we have him, I've chosen to suck it up and take care of him!


The Mississippi river is life giving! I bike or walk by here almost every day. I feel lucky to live so close to a body of water that meanders from one end of our country to another. It's always there reminding me that nothing ever stays the same forever and I have to let go of my expectations in life in order for me to see what gifts are still to come!


I love exploring! This is Lost Lake in Alaska. My sweetie and I backpacked up here last year. It was so stunning I could barely hold my mouth shut. I mean, that photo was taken from my unzipped tent with a hot cup of coffee by my side. Glory! Alaska is a great reminder of how insignificant we are. I think thats why I love high altitude hiking. It changes your perspective. Last year I hiked to the top of Mount Massive in Colorado, the year before that was Half Dome in Yosemite. I'm seeing a high altitude hike/climb in my future for as long as my body will let me.


This!!! Is my partner, Jacob... AKA Stormy. After a long day, he likes to surprise me with sexy fireside poses. I love him because, like me, he teeters on the edge of what society expects of us and we share the same absurdities. He has the ability to see beauty in almost everything. He understands that a messy house or desk is the sign of a genius :) And he looks over the top of his rose colored glasses just enough to stay grounded. He'a an AMAZING Dad. He's incredibly committed to his kids and they look at him with stars in their eyes! He's a fantastic roll model for my girls and they think he's tops too!! I'm a lucky girl!

My brother @lovejoy saw this and wondered if we should alert @lordvader that he has a stormtrooper AWOL on planet Earth.


We have a portable yurt! Camping with or without our kiddos is a frequent occurrence. This was last year in the woods at YMCA Camp du Nord when I was up there with my family singing in a music festival! This Yurt is magical! We have a stove that heats water on the side for the chilly camping and it possesses a beauty that we love. Our kids think its the best thing ever! It takes is about an hour to set up and not as easy as a tent but totally worth every bit of sweat equity.

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Last but not least... A throwback to the days of wakeboarding. It almost feels like a past life sometimes. I spent my entire 20's and early 30's wakeboarding. My Dad taught me to Waterski at age 10. From there, I developed a love for water sports on Minnesota lakes and rivers. Even though Minnesota has such a short water sport season, I could be found early spring into late fall with a wetsuit on and ready to roll at the crack of dawn and late into the evening until we were forced to get off the water. I now get out about once or twice a summer and waddle like a penguin for days after with soreness... but its worth it. I will always love gliding across the water. More often than not, it's now in a canoe or kayak, but I always say yes when someone offers to take me out on their boat for a spin!

If you're still reading, you have STAMINA! Thanks so much for taking the time and for letting me into your Steemit universe! More tidbits to come for sure!! Until next time...


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