Hello Steemit, I am Narek

Hello, my friends, my name is Narek Rateovisan and this is my first post on steemit,

I aim to use this account for some pieces of writing about my interests and hopefully you can enjoy, in the following few paragraphs I will be explaining all the things about me,

The Start
I am originally Armenian but live in Iran, I was born on the 9th of June 1988 in Tehran, Iran. About 50,000 Armenians live in Tehran

I am a big fan of Cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin, why? because I liked the idea of having full control over MY ASSETS without anybody being able to take it from me.
No (central) bank who would lower the value by inflation. (See how much $100 bought you 10 years ago and how much it buys you now?) Real estate, stocks, rare cars, art and watches didn’t suddenly get more expensive. It’s the equivalent fiat currency value that went downhill.
No government who would take it from me by taxation or legislation. (Remember Greece and Cyprus? Or the confiscation of Gold, back in the days?)
An easily transferable asset and securely storable asset like Bitcoin (try storing or transferring gold bars in large amounts) is worth A LOT MORE than what price is currently indication.
And over the long term, the price will always adjust to value.

I have some other interests too.

Travel, nature, photography, music and art. I am adventurous, I love trying new, exciting activities.

I am an Electronic Engineer, I work as an Embedded System Designer in a company in Tehran,

How did I get on Steemit?
Well, while I reading about cryptocurrencies on the net, I saw Steem and do a research about it, I found it really interesting, and now I am very pleased to be here.

I really like playing guitar, it is really fun and I really enjoyed it, I also play the piano.

BOOM! Thats it! Thats my Steemit story in a nutshell!
You can check out my social media account here and say hello!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/narek_r88/

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