Hi -- I’m Naked Penguin, and I’m new here.

Lived in many countries, met amazing people and ate food I can't even pronounce!

Hi, I’m Ben.

I grew up in Europe, lived in the U.S. for a while but now spend most of my time in Asian countries. A lot of that time I spent in India, exploring the ancient traditions and finding answers to the questions of life. During my travels, I saw things and experienced cultures that radically changed my perspective of what I thought it means to be a human being, finding astounding answers to satisfy my wildly curious mind.


Why the name "Naked Penguin"?

I always liked penguins. I hope to go to the Arctic one day -- if there's anything left of it by then -- and meet the penguins and dance with them. Weird, I know, but imagine how cool that would be! I like the way they look all dressed up in their tuxedo-style birthday suits.

Hobbies & Interests

Cryptocurrency - I've been interested for some time now in learning more about cryptocurrency, and I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you amazing people here and learning from you! I eventually hope to invest in different cryptocurrencies.

Photography - I've been a passionate travel photographer for many years. I can always appreciate excellent photos and quite often browse the Web to discover more amazing photography. I'm planning on creating some stories here with interesting photography work I’ve discovered.


So what am I going to do here?

I’ve never felt really excited about social-media platforms until I discovered SteemIt, a place where great and unusual content really has a chance to stand out. The bright and lively community here makes it feel like the perfect place to start blogging.

I intend to write about living mindfully, personal development, minimalism, happiness and fine-tuning our lives to reach our fullest potential. Like Steve Jobs, I deeply appreciate the power of simplicity and the value of constant refinement to reach perfection. I want to share my personal journey with all of you about how making even small changes can help you live a more extraordinary life.

Wrap up and making new friends

I hope you enjoyed reading my introduction post. I can't wait to interact with everyone, and I'm sure I'll be learning so much from you guys.

Do you have similar interests? Let’s connect.

Here are two of my favorite quotes:

“There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't yet met.” - William Butler Yeats
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” - Lao Tzu


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