Greetings from Myanmar... or shall i say Cambodia? ;-)

Hello Steemers!

My name is Mya, but you can call me Veronica as this is how I'm known to my friends. I come from Myanmar, previously known as Burma - a Southeast Asian country most people haven't heard about yet! It's a shame since we are roughly 2,5 bigger than the United Kingdom - the country, which used to colonize us in the past.


Myanmar is a fascinating country. The nationality of most Myanmar people is "Burmese". The country is inhabited by 135(!) ethnic minorities though! Aside from Myanmar (Burmese) and its dialects, more than a hundred languages are spoken here. They include Shan (Tai), Karen, Kachin, various Chin languages, and Mon (Mon–Khmer).


Myanmar is divided into 7 divisions (regions), 5-self-administered zones, 1 self-administered division and 7 states such as Shan, Kachin, Rakhine, Kayin, Chin, Mon and Kayah. It's not hard to imagine that nothing is what it it looks like here at the first sight!


I'm for instance 1/4 Shan, 1/4 Mon, 1/4 Chinese and 1/4 Pa-O (one of the hill tribes). I was born and raised in Taunggyi, the capital of a beautiful, mountainous, ever-green Shan State. I am a graduate of University of Foreign Languages in Yangon (Rangoon), where I've lived for a few years. I speak English, French, German, Chinese among some other tribal languages you probably won't be able to understand!


I have a passion to see the world and despite of a very young age I've already managed to live 3 months in Germany and see another 23 countries. Most recently I moved to Cambodia to... well, see what the life would bring. Follow me, you won't be bored!


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