My name is Marcus Vinícius Maestri, and these are my beliefs

I hope to inspire you to recognize that your reason for existence is to pursue the things that excite you the most. The best thing you can do--for yourself and everyone else--is to act on the things you're most passionate about.

I believe you can upgrade your body and your brain to perform better than you ever have, no matter your weight, your background or work situation.

Self-awareness is one of the most important skills for success, and thats why I've been intermittent fasting for over two years, stopped eating sugar entirely, and turned my body into a fat-burning machine.

As a biohacker, I'm working with the leading-edge information on how to reset your immune system, hack your motivation, upgrade your sleep, think clearer, and concentrate longer.

Living in Melbourne, the cultural capital of Australia, I managed to combine some technical and strategic skills in areas such as:

  • Software Development
  • Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence
  • Nutrition and Smart Drugs
  • Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies
  • Lean Startup Methods
  • Tech Team Building

Finally, through the love of reading, I acquired the self-taught learning capacity, and I'm taking this as a secret weapon to build innovative projects that will change people's life, helping entrepreneurs to rethink how they can all lead richer, more productive, and more satisfying lives.


My goal is to help you to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition, building innovative projects for disrupting markets.

  • Help you become more productive
  • Create a Work Environment That Fosters Flow
  • Build your tech project
  • Unlock your brain
  • Create habits that lasts
  • Live a happy and fulfilling life


I'm here to help. If you would like to find out more about projects or have a suggestion, then do get in touch and I'll get back to you straight away.

Marcus Vinícius Maestri

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