introduceyourself : Kids Ambition

Digôb geu criek ija di keudé, digeutanyôë ta criek ija di keuiëng.
Buya kruëng teu dông-dông, buya tamông meuraséuki.
Hadih Maja.
Aceh Local Proverb
People sell cloth in the market, we rope cloth in our waist.
Crocodile in the river was silent, guest crocodile get benefits.
Hadih Maja

Hi, its me. Mulia Abdul Wahab.
Im Achenese, and Im Indonesian.
Hadih Maja, Aceh local wisdom or proverb which describe how achenese character and attitude in the past or nowdays.
Thats two proverbs have similiar message, describe how unempowerment we are nowdays, not independent, unemployment and dont have good financial.

My childhood was in conflict periode, which my district (Pidie) was the one of most vulnerable district. I seen a lot, how that conflict give deep impact to social life, enonomic and education. We didnt have mutual trust to each other, we scare to go to school, teacher worrying their student and people doesnt have access to get a better job and empowering their self and economic.
Then, Tsunami happened. However thats not give direct impact to my village, but Tsunami was our second saddest moment as Achenese. We (Including I) lost our family, house and another. When Tsunami Rehabilitation Program (a.k.a BRR Aceh-Nias), i see and involve how we are achenese was empowered again, and recover again. Houndred of programs, milions dollar was spent and we can rise again.
But, when we are could achieve MoU for peace in 2005 and the rehabilition program was ended and finished in 2010. I realized something that we are not truely rise and recover, we can’t be indipendent and things get worse again.
I must seen how my near family couldnt get a job, and didnt live a life normally. Also happen in other family in Aceh. Something i couldnt understood, with Aceh has Special Otonomi (Otonomi Khusus) meanwhile unemployment the highest rates in Indonesia.
This not political statement, this is our big question. Whats wrong with us?

I hate my self, when my friends, my neighbor child didnt get primary education, i hate when i cant help youth get good education, i hate my self when i see kids being used to drugs transaction, a lot of criminal happened.
I do and dedicate my self to solve the problem, but thats just give litle impact and has not sustainable.

I realize something.
Economy is All the key and fundamental problem come from economy motive.

People nowdays should have the chance to express and empower their self and community.
Thats i use this proverb.
Buya kruëng teu dông-dông, buya tamông meuraséuki.
All the people, must have some chance to rise and recover and get better economy.
And solve unemployment.

People should be educate and advocate to push them to work hard for achieving better life and economy. To change their mindset, teach them the skill and empowered them.
Thats why i use the proverb.
Digôb geu criek ija di keudé, digeutanyôë ta criek ija di keuiëng.
People need the golden map and rules to increasing their economy and get better life.

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