My First Post!

Hi Steemit community!  

After submitting the request for my profile on a non-business day, I spent the rest of the weekend reading posts and excitedly trying to figure out how exactly the site works. So far, it looks like there's a great community here that seems willing to help newbz figure things out, so I'm optimistic. 

I'm just getting into crypto currencies after some very part-time research done over the last couple years. I will say I was about to buy some bitcoin back in 2015, but I let some people talk me out of it and I find myself regretting that one (just a bit). 

So anyway, I thought I'd do one of the introduction posts here and tell everyone a bit about me (I'm sure someone will see this haha). I'm currently attending college for Mechanical Engineering Technology and I'll be going into my last year in September. Well my last official year anyway, I'll probably end up needing to do an extra semester to wrap up a few classes but what can you do? I previously did a year of web design where I learned html and css, but also some java which was fun. I also did some flying lessons but had to stop a few hours short of actually getting my license which is unfortunate. I'm sure I'll start that up again and finish it at some point soon (probably when mechanical engineering is done). I currently live with my girlfriend and my cat Steve who I'm sure I'll post some pictures of. 

Other than spending ridiculous amounts of time on YouTube, my other main hobby at the moment is Photography. I'm sure I'll be posting lots of pictures here until I can think of something else to do to be a boost the steemit community. 

Here are some of the first pictures I took when I really started to get into that as a hobby. All of these were taken with a Pentax k200 I bought off some guy on the internet for super cheap. I have an old k1000 film SLR and Pentax has never changed their lens mount!

This is the first place I ever went specifically just to take pictures. The next two are from a bike race near my house last year. 

Out of about 300 photo's I took that day, I probably had 10 or so that were in focus haha

Here are some of the first macro shots I took while out for a walk in the river valley near my house

Finally my cat Steve who I think we'll be seeing more of soon

So over the course of putting this post together I found SteemIMG. Looks like I might be switching to that in the future.

Anyway, I'm off to go learn more about the site and start following some people. 

Thanks for your time!

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