A brief introduction of steemians in Sichuan (Part 1)


Hi, steemit friends!💙

Today, I want to introduce some of the steemians that I know in Sichuan. I am totally inspired by @htliao, who wrote A brief introduction of the great authors from Hong Kong(Part 1). Recently, I have recommended this platform to my friends. They became so interested to it and applied for their own accounts. Sometimes, we exchange our ideas or opinions about steemit through Wechat, support and encourage each other.

The Aim of Our Group

We are the energetic, optimistic and active ones who like to share life with others. What we want to do is to introduce delicious food in Sichuan, making people know more about our culture, like Bian Lian. And bring some characteristic topics to this big community. Of course, we will stick to original and high quality content, which I think will inject vigor into this big steemit family.

Introduction of the Steemians in Sichuan

Now I am going to introduce them and their post series one by one. If you are interested, feel free to follow them.

1. @cnfund


There is no doubt that @cnfund is such a kind man who've guided us to know more about this platform. There were times when I had to turn to him for help and he was always patient to solve my problems and confusion. Perhaps some of you have known him. He insists on writing novels on steemit and up to now, he's finished about 190 chapters. Amazing!His post series include:

  • Foods in My Eyes
  • 【AFTER CREATION】(The novel directory 1)(Chinese Original Fantasy Novel)
  • 【AFTER CREATION】(Chapter 180)(Chinese Original Fantasy Novel)
  • 1_400_120.gif

    2. @lymichale

    @lymichale is a gentle and quiet girl. We’ve known each other since we were in kindergarten. It's so lucky that now we work in the same city and we are neighbors. She has been here for about one month. She likes to share her daily life with us, especially as a foodie, she shares some traditional local food with us. In the following days, some travel notes can be found in her articles. Her post series include:

  • The day of wine and meat! Cheers!
  • Foods in Sichuan and Chongqing #1—Noodles
  • Delicious foods in hometown
  •      To know more, you can read her self-introduction.


    3. @acactus1013

    @acatus1013 is a teacher working in a senior high school and we once worked in the same office. As I know, she enjoys travelling to different places, reading and playing Mahjong in her spare time. She is an optimistic and enthusiastic girl. Several days before, she's shared something about our Mahjong, which can be considered as a brief introduction of part of our culture. Her post series include:

  • A Journey With Romantic Themes
  • My Reading Notes About A Brief History of Humankind
  • Let's go to the seaside!
  • Reading The Books Of Higashino Keigo 
  •      To know more, you can read her self-introduction.

    Let's stop here. Next time I will introduce the rest of our group members. Please support these new comers(except @cnfund, just kidding!). Your support and encouragement will make much difference.

    ATTENTION: The SBD rewards of this post will be equally distributed to the authors above.

    亲爱的steemit朋友们,今天想要给大家介绍我们的四川小分队。其实这个想法很早就有了,后来受 @htliao的文章启发,于是才有了今天的文章。因为那个篇文章让我知道了好多优秀的香港双语作者们,如 @nicolemoker@krischy这对姐妹花,还有生活小确幸系列作者 @susanlo,等等。之前香港区的聚会甚是羡慕,自己就在想什么时候我们内地来一个聚会大联欢呢? @sweetssj小姐姐之前建议过年的时候大家聚一聚,我举双手赞成!

    我们的小分队目前人数很少,但还在积极的宣传中,以上的作者都是互相认识的朋友。如果有四川的steemians,我们随时也欢迎你的加入,一起弘扬四川文化,尤其是传统美食。最近cn区举办了好多比赛,大家都积极参与中,我们几个 @lymichale, @mrpointp, @acactus1013等都有参与。我们每天都会有一个新的idea来相互分享,经常在群里讨论得不亦乐乎。我们都属于对生活有热情,乐观向上的年轻人,对新鲜事情好奇,所以什么都愿意去尝试一下。相信通过这次的介绍,大家应该对以上作者有所了解了,我就不再一一赘述。希望在接下来的日子里,大家一起进步,让生活变得更加充实!也希望各位朋友们多多支持,谢谢大家!


    感谢您一直以来对 @mrspointm的支持和鼓励!

    Thanks for your support. Feel free to follow @mrspointm, upvote and resteem.

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