Greetings, I'm Mr PumpkinFace


My name is Mr PumpkinFace.

Here's a recent picture of me.


You can probably tell for yourself why I'm called what I'm called.

Well, I make webcomics that many people (including Facebook) have found deeply offensive. Which is why I'm here, posting on steemit.

Personally, I don't get why people get so upset because It's not like my comics are really that bad. They're like edgy 90s humor at worst. Like Bevis & Butthead but with a bit more of a politically provocative tone.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself! I'll be posting comics here.

And I'll be remaining anonymous for obvious reasons.

The comic updates every Tuesday and Thursday, and I should have a new website up by the end of the week! (hopefully) I guess you can check out the current website (which is just a single html page with some styling and javascript to navigate through comics) here:

Say hi and come hang out with me!


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