Hello steemit world from southwest OK with an awesome beard!!!


So this is my first blog post, not only here, but i think ever! Not been much of an active social media user since the days of Myspace if that says anything. Lol. Lost interest in Facebook so many years ago now i forgot when i last checked it. But over this last year, really seriously since February this year, I've become amazed by and hooked on the crypto world. I know, "another one" right? Decided to take advantage of the very different world we are building with it and see how this goes with Steemit.

A few things to know about me. My "real" job is being the parts manager at a large motocycle, utv, atv store. I spend all day tuesdays thru saturdays working on finding parts and accessories for people or my unofficial job of fixing other people's mistakes. Is it just me, or is the world filled with more people who can't use common sense and think their own way out of the mistakes they make? Maybe I'm alone in that view, but it feels more prevalent now than in previous years of my life. So I'm the guy that finds what is needed to make your toys work again or customize them to look and feel the way you'd want. My other big interests are comic books and movies/tv shows. Get an average of 40 comics each week from my locally owned comic shop. I do love the escape of it and flexing my memory muscles by keeping track of 150+ ongoing stories each month. And i try to keep up with movies, usually catching one each weekend when i make my comic shop trip. I also like the extended stories that can be told in tv shows. Lets the story spread out more and go in different directions. I think i prefer tv shows to movies for the most part, but i will give just about anything a shot to see how it feels to me. And to pack even more into my days, cause really, who needs sleep anymore lol, I've jumped all over the crypto world. I am amazed at what I've found out about it and i learn more every day. One of the first things I've seen in a long time that I truly believe is going to change the world for the better in the long run. But the pace the tech and people involved in it are developing new ideas, that bright future will be here before we know it!!
I didn't think I'd really have anything to say, but feels like I have typed out quite a lot now. I have even more thoughts and ideas to share and get opinions on from the crypto happenings to how awesome my yard is looking after this weekend of working on it. I hope to meet new people here and if i can pass on an idea or thought into someone's head that makes their day better, I'll consider this a total success!

Here's to the future!!
-- motogunslinger

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