EOS: Solid, long term choices, grounded in idealism

Hello Steemit community! This is my first post here so let me introduce myself. You are reading the ramblings of a full-stack software engineer with his roots in scepticisme and currently living in The Netherlands.


I dabbled around with crypto in 2013/14 developed trading algorithms for the alt-coins, kept an eye on the space in the crypto-winter, and recently re-engaged, reading white papers, discussing topics, experiencing upmost despair and ecstacy day-trading the coins, making some good overall profit from august till december, and thusly decided I was going all in! It felt like coming home, my anarcho-capitalist friends!

In a world with almost infinite possibilities every person has a different way of approaching the challenges ahead. The crypto space is a beautiful example of this, and while discussing these challenges a good friend introduced me to EOS and Daniel Larimer. We watched some youtube videos on EOS, heard him speak and initially blew it off as one of the many people in the crypto space with some strong claims, “profiling” himself at the expense of others. Little did I know ...

The following months, as I was growing in the crypto space, I was confronted with more and more stuff that just made sense and was hard to ignore:

  • Steemit does the total amount of transactions of Ethereum and Bitcoin combined with ease, see for yourself
  • Daniel Larimer has completed 2 successful products in the space, and has built a decentralized exchange in 2013, Bitshares, with market pegged assets built into the protocol
  • He is the inventor of DPOS
  • He has forgotten more than most people know about crypto
  • A libertarian, philosophy driven

Another great point not seen as often these days, this guy is not all about the money. This is not some short term thing, this is grounded in something deeper: Finding Free Market Solutions to Secure Life, Liberty, and Property. This guy believes in something bigger, and the EOS team is, in my humble opinion, making all the right, congruent, long term choices with this new thing of he is creating: EOS.io.

  • A year long ICO
    which allows for an even distribution of coins, important for a democratic distribution.
  • Re-invests the ICO funds in the development community,
    as the infrastructure and applications are paramount to the success of the token, look at Ethereum ICO and kitties.
  • Separates the engineering from the operation
    Solid choice from a liability standpoint and this allows his company to focus on the technology.
  • Airdropping tokens,
    Giving back to the community.
  • Scalability and performance priority,
    His focus on performance and pragmatism will create a system that engineers will want to use, which is based on pragmatism.
  • Third version,
    As any good software engineer worth his salt knows it takes a couple of rewrites to get it right, as you need to get a feel of the domain you are working in. You have to experience all the tradeoffs by actually experiencing the product you’ve created. As this is his third big project, and he can build on what he produced before, this will increase the probability the project finishes on schedule and delivers what is promised.

Good solid, long term choices, based on experience. This is something I want to invest my time and money in. Time in the form of sharing my experiences while developing on the EOS platform, money as in accumulating as many EOS tokens as possible!

The time is Now, Steam On, Crypto Crusaders!

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