Late Introductions


That's me.
Yes, I know the image is cut off. And yes, I know it has yesterday's date (which might kind of defeat the purpose) but I thought that this image is just so perfectly the epitome of my current being: different, half baked, mostly late, in my pajamas.

I'm a first time mom to rare monoamniotic twin girls. Monoamniotic means they shared the same sack and came with a ton of high medical risks which I won't bore you with. Luckily I stayed positive and was so super healthy and fit before I fell pregnant that I had no issues whatsoever and baked my little humans right up until 34 weeks, 3 days! This is them:

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Astryd Merry

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Alyce Pippin

In case you missed the reference, my girls' owe their second names to two hobbits from Lord of the Rings. I think my partner nearly died of shock when I agreed to it. But we're both a little geeky and I thought the names to be extremely cute. We've also cursed our children with having to spell their names for the rest of their lives - "Alyce with a 'Y'...sigh". #winningasparents right :P

So besides being a first time mom which, let me tell you, is 90% of my personality right now, I am also a health coach, yoga nut, singer-in-my-spare-time, writer, lover of wisdom and learning (the fancy word is sophophile) and big fan of dark humour , fantasy, sci-fi and nature. I'm here because I have run blogs for ages but am now a stay at home mom with two babies who needs to earn some income. I figured I was doing it for free anyway so why not still do it but have a chance to earn a little bit at the same time? Win-win right :)

Anywho, I'll leave it at that. No need to get long-winded and boring as you'll find out more as I post. Looking forward to joining the rest of you Steemians...Steemites...Steemolans...

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