She who had several names...

Let's get started!

Mistress of Digital.jpgNow, it's always a bit tough trying to talk about yourself and introducing this person you know the best while not being able to figure out exactly who she is. Most of the time, other people are better at doing it: the distance makes it easier. Nonetheless, this being my first article on Steemit, I don't relaly have a choice and will do my best.

I go with several nicknames. The one I use on a daily basis in my everyday life is Miss Mad. Not that I am that crazy but I come to live on a street called "rue Mademoiselle", the rest is simple to figure out. My second nickname, the one I use in my professional life is Mistress of Digital. Here again, it came up pretty naturally: I teach classes about all things digital, from digital strategy to digital transformation, from social media to digital marketing, including gamification - my specialty.

What next?

Great question! Next, I'll try to create amazing content. My only problem being: I wanna share about soooo many topics. Gamification (of course! Especially now that I'm doing a PhD in marketing on gamification), but also travel, my life as a ladyboss (I'm also an entrepreneur) but also about being a Parisian (yes, that's a lifestyle in itself). How can you expect me to be consistent with all of this?!?

Me, myself and I

Before I figure out how to handle this whole bunch of subjects I can talk about for hours and hours (or rather lines and lines), let's say a little more about who I am.

I'm Audrey, 41 (Bummer! Still can't believe it, let's go for 31 instead, ok?), born and raised in Paris. I hesitated for years to find my way as I wanted to study philosophy but also natural sciences (genetics, actually), singing and "making" things. I expected to become an inventor, an opera singer, a sound designer, until my parents caught up with me: "study something real!" Now, so much for my dreams...

Audrey Lego heart.jpgI started by graduating in English from the famous Sorbonne (at least, if you need to study, do it in a wonderful place) where I corrected my professors (at least the ones who gave a shot at teaching their classes in English and not in French), then shifted to media and multimedia. I worked in luxury services, fashion and e-commerce before getting back to school to finally learn to build a clean html/css website (I launched my first website in 2000 using only Dreamweaver and Flash and... Oh, how proud I was!). I then worked as a digital strategist for an agency before creating my own, Creative Slashers, a collective helping companies get more digital and providing training on various subjects linked to the digital field.

In the meantime, I started working on personal projects, blogs and started thinking about how I could participate in making a better world for the future generations. Vast program, no clue how to do it efficiently. I'm also one of those feminists who will never help another woman because she's a woman, but because she's good at what she does (and I can tell you I got criticized a lot for saying such things). Finally, I'm what we call in French an adulescente, meaning at mid-distance between an adult and a teenager.

I guess that's quite a global introduction and I hope you'll know me better as time passes by. Feel free to follow me, comment, criticize (it's necessary to get better) and ask any question you might have.

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