My name

So I am mikadonogo.

It comes from 2 games, the mikado and the go. No could remember the japanese theatre noh. People play theatre and games.

It could also come from the japanese mikado = emperor ; no = particule marking genitive and go = language. Alltogether meaning the language of the emperor. However, I am not an emperor, don't plan to be one in the future. I am not japanese, I don't even speak the language. I love how japanese sounds.

Who I am is not important. The important is what I'll say or write. I hope it will fit with you if not I hope you'll keep an open mind. Well what I'll write or say will not be that important. I just mean it counts more than my name.

By the way, I love, love, love Your Name (the movie). I think it is the third most important event in the History of mankind and the Hystory of life in the universe - just behind the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel. Yes that big.

Thank you for reading.

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