Hi Steemit gang! I'm Lisa!

Hi! I'm Lisa Davis, a recently "red pilled" mom of five who has experienced a lot of change in the past couple years. After leaving a 20 year controlling and abusive marriage my eyes have been opened and fog is lifting. I learned to have confidence in myself and share my lessons with others to help them on their journey. My tribe of friends have been vital to surviving. Whether it was coming to court with me for the three day trial for the divorce, bringing me food and clothes during the many times I would have to stay in the hospital with my babies unexpectedly or our spontaneous "Single Mommin' It Spring Break' with our special needs kiddos. They get me and I've got their back!

Eight years ago I founded a non profit to serve kids in foster care which quickly became the largest volunteer effort in the state of Oklahoma. We partner with the community to make sure that no child is without a gift every Christmas. It is also how I met three of my children. 38b05ca.jpg
My youngest two, "the twins", were both born with only half a heart (Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome) caused from drug exposure while they were in their mothers womb. I quickly learned to be a caregiver for medically fragile kids and an advocate for organ donation. I lived in the hospital with my youngest daughter during the first few months of her life until she received her gift of a new heart. She recently passed away after she developed cancer (PTLD) from the anti rejection meds that she had to take to keep her body from attacking her new heart. I was consumed with her care and am now struggling to find my "new normal". I'm hoping that the Steemit community can help me find my way.
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I'm also recently married after finding my best friend and true partner in life. My mom shared Crypto with us and we dove in head first. We watch YouTube videos of our favorites like @DollarVigilante , @Jsnip4, @BixWeir and, of course "Uncle" @Clif_high ! Our Crypto journey is how we both got "RED PILLED" and found out about Steemit. We are building our Crypto-future together and hope to retire in Mexico one day!
My constant companion is my pup, Roxy. We call her "Roxydoodle" or "Roxydoodle the poodle" or sometimes just "Poodle" even though she is a Maltese. Post a pic of your pup and tell me their nickname in the comments!

I'm also a recently converted Subie lover. Check out my ride and post a pic of yours in the comments below!

I hope to find other people passionate about some of the same things I am and get to know you better through Steemit!

You can also find me on;
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lisa.feist
Twitter https://twitter.com/lisafeist
** & if anyone can teach me how to change my name on twitter & facebook without losing my followers, I'd really appreciate it!

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