Greetings from Waco, Texas! - an introduction...

A friend of mine - @breakthrough - recently introduced me to Steemit and I got really excited about this platform... I am honored to be one of the newest members!

Writing is cathartic for me. Life is stressful and inspiration intermittent. For some years now I have desired to write more and have done so sporadically, but have lacked a community with which to share this interest, and then Austin tells me about this eclectic online hub for creative types! By day I work for a church in Waco, TX and drive a tour van. My wife and I have traveled much of the world, and even now that we have 4 sons (ages 7, 6, 4, & almost 3), we still manage to get around quite a bit.

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I consider myself a bridge-builder. After presenting at a TEDx event in 2015, I realized more fully how seldom people of opposing viewpoints take the time to develop the language and trust necessary to speak intelligently about things like politics, spirituality, philosophy, and teleology. I have made it part of my life's mission to influence people in 'how' to think (opposed to 'what' to think) in such a way that fosters a respectful exchange of ideas. The human being is sacred and our individual experiences and internal makeup form a tapestry that makes each person unique and fascinating on more than just an objective level. Our understanding of truth is not only perceived through the five senses, but in our interactions with one another... a sort of social epistemology.

But I digress... we live on 3 acres in Waco, TX. My wife grew up on land and has wanted to return to her roots for some time now. I was reluctant as a died-in-the-wool city boy, but acquiesced after our 4th boy was born, realizing the need for the space to run, dig, climb, and collect critters. Besides, I was tired of trying (unsuccessfully) to keep our suburban lawn green - a pursuit I came to detest. We have two barn cats - Ana and Kristoff. The kids named them. Actually Kristoff used to be Elsa until the vet notified us she had a penis. Oops. But, as I mentioned, they are barn cats. When we bought this property back in March, we told ourselves we were buying it for the barn and the house came with it. The setting is pretty idyllic by our standards.


I grew up in Tulsa, OK, and came to Baylor University in 2001 to run track. My biological mom was 15 when she had me and almost died in the process. She was adopted and her biological father had been adopted, so it was natural for her to carry me to term and give me up for adoption. I'm grateful. She was unable to have more children after my birth and has since adopted two girls. My sister and father-in-law are also adopted, so it seems inevitable that we'll adopt one day. I have worked with 20-somethings for the past 15 years or so in mentor relationships - coming alongside them in every context from spiritual development to counseling, and from life-skills training to mediation. It is a tremendous joy to give back in whatever way we can after have been the recipients of so much grace and favor from many throughout our lives.

We also travel to do relief and mission work. Our adventures have ranged from Central America to the Middle East to Southeast Asia. To me one of the most thrilling experiences is to be immersed in a new culture. I find out so much about people, including myself, by trying to see life through a very different lens. One of my favorite memories was sitting in a UN-issued tent in northern Uganda after the LRA ravaged the countryside in 2006 with an internally displaced family. They were the poor of the earth, and yet they scraped together a veritable feast for my wife and I, displaying hospitality more profoundly than I can now articulate. Multiple generations stacked one upon the other in a 12' diameter circular tent.

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If I were suddenly independently wealthy, I would devote the lion's share of my time to teaching and writing. One of our dreams is to start schools for at-risk populations around the world who don't currently have access to primary or early secondary education. In the meantime, we try our best to make a difference within the little slice of influence we have been given.

I look forward to connecting with you! Feel free to leave a comment to introduce yourself, or to give me your top tips regarding Steemit. I'm always learning and greatly value feedback.


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