Like it or not, this is what I've got...

A little bit about me... I love to make people cry. IMG_2500.JPG

Seriously. I write novels and each has to move the reader to tears at least once, or I haven't done a good job.


I have some addictions. I am hooked on Starbucks coffee, sex and selfies.


I love anything purple.


My favorite subject to photograph (other than myself) is my min-pin Chihuahua. He is super cute.


I can't pass by a cool sunset, pretty flowers, landscapes or my dog posing without snapping a pic with my phone.


About my family - married my first boyfriend in 2014 when I rediscovered him through Facebook (gotta love that kind of result.)


Bet you can't guess my age.

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I have two grown kids. Both boys, both gifted and both freakishly smart. Both college graduates. One has a Bachelor of Arts in Modern languages, BS in electrical engineering and a MS in Neuroengineering. When my engineer graduated and bought a new wardrobe he gave me and hubby all of his cool ninja fail woot tee shirts. We love them!


Now on to what I can't stand... One is the sound of my dog licking himself non-stop for more than five minutes. You are clean after the first 60 seconds, Fruff!

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Last, I can't resist a good site and when my son told me about Steemit, I dove right in. So here I am - for what it's worth.

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