---- Copes Steemit introduction ----

Greetings to all the Steemit viewers and users out there reading my introduction and, hopefully in future, looking through my created content.

I believe that we all have the capability for greatness and it is up to us to choose to move in the direction which gives us the best sense of autonomy and congruence, that our greatest assets hide within the mind and souls expression in a physical world. We are fortunate enough to be able to express ourselves in ways which to those before us may have seemed unfathomable and quite frankly our future is literally what we make it within our digital space. As such it is my hope to create a space of empathy, compassion, and understanding. To express who I am through the outlets available and hopefully help or at least entertain those who stumble upon my digital footprint. Steemit seems to be a good platform to build such a space of self-expression and a conduit connecting likeminded individuals.

Now into my introduction, my name is David, go by Dave and I also go by my online alias “Cope”. I have been interested in creating online content for a considerable amount of time and have dabbled in the creation of youtube content and posting to forums etc. over the past decade or so. However, due to various changes made to these platforms I have reduced (and removed) the amount of content I have provided during the past few years.

I have various streams of interest which I believe may be stimulating and engaging for some viewers. I have created various forms of content in my areas of interest, from doing acoustic guitars covers of songs I like, gaming walkthroughs and reviews, automotive reviews and performance car builds, drawing and artwork, storytelling, psychology based reports and observations, naming only a few. Moving forward I would like to again begin creating new content to share on Steemit based on my interests and hopefully find likeminded individuals to communicate with based on these interests and possibly collaborate with these individuals in future.

For those of you who are interested in what I look like

Why That Cover Image?

I get asked about this from time to time, i use the psychedelic eye as my background as it represents my understanding of human perception. That is, the world we see is only a representation of the world base on based on chemical reactions and neurons firing within the body. In essence our perception is a hallucination which is not an accurate representation of what is actually in front of our eyes. This is based on data collected while doing psychological research. I would like to observe, explore and explain such concepts such as this within steemit.

Performance Cars

A passion of mine since I was a child has been performance cars, I have built a few myself with the assistance of friends and have also played a part in building many cars with friends and for customers when working within a business quite a few years ago. Below are a couple of pictures of my cars which I would like to create articles for on Steemit.


I have been gaming since I was about 4 years old, I started off on a commodore 64 and through the ages worked my way through various systems, consoles and devices and have had quite a bit of success when it comes to clocking games in general. It’s a gamers life, don’t matter the brand as long as you play. This is an area I would like to explore on steemit.


I created a music channel on youtube a while back and uploaded quite bit of content over time. Content was reduced significantly and then stopped completely. I still have some files up I will transfer over but would like to get back into it and produce new content. I play guitar semi acoustic and electric mostly rhythm as well as providing vocals on my tracks covering songs i like and feel like playing around with. Sometimes it comes together as a full song and other times it is just a sample of the whole track. I also like collaborating with people when I can to put something together that has some feeling behind it, I have a greater sense of achievement when I work together with someone to build something unique. Here is a sample of some of what I have done in the past. Will post some better old content soon.

I spent some time studying a Bach of psychological sciences and compiled quite a few reports in that time in relation to particular topics. Im interested in publishing those reports here to assist in greater understanding of the topics covered in each of those reports. I also have considerable interest in particular topics not covered within the degree, such as social engineering and microexpressions, which i would like to explore further. Up until now it would have been purely for my own interest now its something I can share on Steemit.

These are but a few of my varied and eclectic interests which I would like to cover and contribute to the Steemit community. I look forward to communicating with like-minded people, seeing others work, helping them grow their profiles and sharing my own works with others. In closing I would like to say a big thank you to the people who have created this amazing space for self-expression and to the community which keeps it alive, I look forward to being part of the Steemit community.

Thanks for taking the time to read my intro

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