Introduce Yourself: A Christian (before anything else)

You might be here because you're curious why I'm doing this. My steemit account originated from a friend's advice to channel my desires to write through steemit where I can possibly earn while I post. Which I think is just a wise thing to do. I've always told that friend that I may be a frustrated writer and that it's one thing I really want to excel in. So I'm here taking that advice and hoping that others can gain something from me as I learn from people here as well. I'm just too afraid sometimes that I may not be using my time wisely but then I realised that often find my self spending so much time scrolling through facebook, watching different videos, reading a lot of stuff from anywhere. I am so distracted with a lot of things and maybe posting through steemit may help me focus on one thing at a time while I manage time better by working on the craving to cultivate my "writing skills".

Obviously, my first post is primarily a disclaimer of my account and I actually wanted it to be just that. I want it to be very clear to anyone who will look into who I am that they understand (with the best of my abilities) the way I understand who I am and why I am here. It's just that I tend to be in this mode whenever I write (because I admit I am so uptight most of the time) and I wanted to do this first as an intro to the other posts that will follow this one.

Moving on to my actual introduction, there's just so much I can use to describe myself but I find being a Christian the most sufficient one. Some may look at their religious belief as just a part of their being or personality, a matter of likes or dislikes, of do's and dont's, as if it was just a choice. If only we took it seriously and see it as a matter of life or death will we be able to grasp the reality that the thing we consider as our choice is something way bigger and beyond ourselves. It isn't even about us and when we come to accept that truth then understanding ourselves follows. And I am persuaded that over and above being a daughter, a sister, a friend, or a professional I am first a Christina because it is something that goes beyond this life. Loving my family will eventually have an end same as working for my country but worshipping the Lord goes beyond this life thus it directs everything that I do in this temporal world even this.

To make it more clear, I am a Christian that holds onto the reality that my soul is purchased from God's wrath and punishment through Christ's blood when he died and rose to heaven. It was all for His glory and I am a mere recipient of his mercy. Everything that I do in this life is all accounted for, and knowing that explains why I am so uptight. There's this certain fear that I may not be pleasing God with the things that I do. Not that the things I do has the power to save my soul but because I know that I must live according to the truth that I was saved. "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20) Thus you can expect me to be super conscious with how I write and post things here. Support and comments will then be most welcome for my reflection and self-improvement. I really hope this will turn out good not only for me but for others as well.

This may not be much but I am looking forward to being able to write the next posts soon. I might be writing about more Christian topics, my baby steps towards understanding bitcoin and steemit, thoughts about my profession as a nutritionist-dietitian, my discoveries and many more. I hope you get to read those, too! And thanks so much for spending time reading my first post! God bless!

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