Hello Steemians! I'm glad to be here

Hey There! how are you doing Steemians? Finally I’m here after some days talking about Steemit with my friends, and I decided to create my own account so… Who am I? Well, first of all my name is Manuel Ferrer a young boy proud of being Venezuelan, I’m 23 y/o, I was born in Maracaibo but I’m Falconiano of heart because I lived in Falcón almost my whole life. Falcón is a state in Venezuela next to Zulia state where Maracaibo is. For those people who have met me before, they know that I love Falcón and I really enjoy the different accents between the Maracucho and Coriano (from Coro) and they notice it once I talk to them for sure. Btw this is me.


Photo taken by my iphone 5c camera

I consider myself someone with good vibes, who likes to be spontaneous and honest, I’m not fear of being fully seen for who I am that has given me the opportunity of meeting new people and have good contact with them all. I love traveling, taking care of animals but specially cats, watching movies, hanging out with friend and why not meeting lots of people, like others young boys and girls, for me it is important to have an active social life. I think next pic show it.


Photo taken by a Canon EOS 7D camera

Nowadays I have a bachelor’s degree in education, I graduated from la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), this university gave the opportunity of growing up as a professional , I will always thanks to the universe who conspired in my favor and gave me this chance. Here a pic when I graduated.


Photo taken by my iphone 5c camera

My family, well… what can I say about them? I really believe that I have the best family and I couldn’t ask for a better one. My mom is the best mom and dad in the world, she’s like my best friend and I completely trust her. I have two younger siblings and I’m so lucky to be their example to follow. I have a cat too called Minou (my baby), I rescued him from the streets and now he’s my unconditional friend. I think we are a beautiful family and I love them. Here a pic of them and Minou.


Photo taken by my iphone 5c camera


Photo taken by my iphone 5c camera

I’ve worked in two totally different worlds, my first job was like a professor in a high school, while working there I noticed that I loved helping and forming people, then I worked in a restaurant and in this one I learnt how to deal with different kind of problems and it helped me to be more confident, to have contact with people as well as it gave me friends whom I consider my second my family. Here some pics.

IMG_2356 (editado).PNG

Photo taken by a Nikon D80 DSLR camera


Photo taken by my iphone 5c

Well, I think you have an idea about who I am so far. I expect to know more about Steemit and to enjoy my time here. Thank you for having read my post and I’ll finish with this phrase which is maybe familiar for some of you but I adopted it as a fact of life, “everything flows and nothing will influence” Steemians, See you!

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