Seeking Adventure Steemian!

Hello Steemians!

I have decided to finally write my first ever post here. I am quite ecstatic to know other steemians and share ideas!

So Let me start by sharing SOMETHING ABOUT MYSELF :)

My name is Ciara Mae, but most my friends call me Mai. A 27years old Mom, from the Southern part of the Philippines, Northern Mindanao.

Most of the time, people mistakenly think that I am intimidating, Maybe because of how I look (my friend's opinion), Since I am really quiet at first meeting. Take a look at of my photo below and see for yourself your judgments. haha!!



So, Do I look like one?
Yay or Nay? haha!

What people don't know is that I am an outgoing person, easy to get along with if I'll be known better and deeper.

I actually love making new friends. I like Learning other cultures and Languages from all around the world, which I believe would help me grow and become a better person.
Almost 8 years ago now, I had a chance to study and work in the beautiful country of the Netherlands or commonly known as "Holland". I left my beloved country the Philippines on the 9th of May, 2010 with a very hot weather since it was summer time and landed in a country with the exact opposite weather (Spring that time.haha!). It was actually the first time that I went to a place knowing no one, also the Language barrier is one of the hardest I have encountered during my first month. I really had a hard time on communicating with some Dutch people since I only have limited Dutch words on mind like the "Hoe gaat het?" (means How are you) "Nee" (NO) most important of all the "Dank je" (means Thank you). Fortunately after few months, I have adapted their ways and was able to communicate better since I took Dutch language classes. I have learned a lot from that experience, from the people, the weather. I got to experienced the life away from home in a year and explored some other admirable places in Europe. I am forever grateful that for once I grabbed those opportunities and gained friends which I still have contacts until now through social media sites.
(Hurray to Technology!)



During my spare time, I watch movies, read some books and blogs online. Chatting with family or friends!

For music, I listen to different types of genre, Pop, Jazz, Reggae, Hip Hop, Electronic Dance music, Country Music, it all depends on my current mood. ;)

The most interesting thing that I always do and love so much, is TRAVELING!

I guess traveling heals a broken heart, and let one's soul wander.

I always make sure that during my busy month schedule from work, there is always a week time off in-between.

Below are my pictures last summer in Vigan Ilocos Sur, Philippines


Some outdoor activities with friends.


I also consider myself as a thalassophile kind of person, a lover of the sea.


And oh I almost forgot to mention, I'm a dog lover! I grew to always have a buddy around. hehe


Laughing with friends. Learning. Traveling. Being One with nature.

These are some of the things I like and love doing.

So expect more of my posts about traveling!

I'll stop from here. I hope you enjoy reading something about me. Thank you!!

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