Introducing Our Medical Marijuana Page On Steemit (on 4/20!)

Hello fellow Steemians!
First of all- a huge thanks to anyone who has decided to take their time to check out our introduction or our page. You are awesome (yes, you!) and we hope to provide something worthwile to match your interest.We @medicalmarijuana thought it was finally time that we had a proper introduction and what better time to do so than on 4/20.


Our goal with this post is to get more exposure (obviously!) and to briefly explain what we are about, what our goals are and what content you might expect from us. So let's dive into it, shall we?

Why We Started This Account

There is so much to talk about marijuana- not only medical, but also the effects it has on the human psyche, the way it effects society, its rich history and so much more. People all over the world are interested and it seems that only in the last couple of decades has marijuana been looked at from a somewhat objective standpoint. Anti-marijuana propaganda still exists, but is not as aggressively shoved down our throats as it once was. The opinion has shifted from "very negative" to "almost neutral". A lot more people are looking into what marijuana really is, how it interacts with our bodies and what it can do for the world and as a result there seem to be less uneducated shouting and more reasonable conversations.


All this new interest means that the marijuana discussion is rapidly growing and it shows no signs of slowing down. This is where we come in. We ourselves are highly interested in the potential of marijuana and know that by providing interesting and accurate information to counter some of the propaganda out there we can make that potential blossom even sooner. We know that more interest in marijuana results in more research which offers an even better understanding of the properties this special plant hides.

What @medicalmarijuana Aims to Offer


Our main goal is to cover the medical benefits of marijuana and how it can be used to heal us. We also want to teach people about the different types of marijuana, get them familiar with concepts such as cannabinoids and terpenes, talk about the rich history of marijuana and many, many more topics we haven't even talked about yet (such as edibles). So if you are interested in the cannabis plant we promise you that you will find something worthwile to read on our page that will hopefully spark your interest even more. :)
We aim to post almost every day and interact with every single one of you who takes the time to leaves us a comment.

We hope you find the time to check us out!

Here is a list of 5 of our favorite posts we've made so far:

Top 10 Cannabinoids And What They Do
Microdosing Weed for Anxiety- an alternative to medication prescribed for anxiety disorders
Microdosing Weed For Anxiety
Why Do Some People Get Paranoid When They Smoke Weed
The Potential Side Effects Of THC

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