Allow me to introduce myself

Hello steem-folk! I've already posted a couple pictures and paragraphs, but I didn't really get around to writing a self intro, so here goes...


Me in a Nutshell

My name is Daniel (or Dan, whichever), right now I'm about to start the last year of my undergrad mechanical engineering degree. I'm not really sure what I want to do with my degree, but I'm really enjoying my studies, so that's a good start I guess!
My other interests and hobbies are art (drawing, painting, jewelry), music, robotics, late night adventures, travel, photography, longboarding, unicycling... and just recently added: cryptocurrency!

Why I'm Here

Now that I've been exposed to the wonders of crypto-everything, I'm planning to blog about my various art/robotics/completely random projects on this slick new platform.
I guess you could call it a "creative journal"!?
The reason being that I've always been invested in way to many things at the same time, so my personal goal is to manage my time and other resources better so that I can actually get somewhere with some of my hobbies (and make some cash maybe?) while staying true to my eclectic nature so I don't lose my mind. Basically, even though I love what I'm studying in engineering, I probably wouldn't survive a traditional career in it. If you have any advice, let me know... haha...
I'm hoping that a blog will help motivate me to finish more things, and finish them diligently.
Or, in the case of robotics, to keep progressing one or two projects indefinitely, because the possibilities on the software end are pretty much endless apparently.

Along those lines, I have recently had the opportunity to teach some of my stronger skills (machining) to others at the makerspace where I volunteer, and it has been super awesome! So if you see something in my future blogging rambles that I've made that you like, let me know! I'd love to write up a tutorial post or something!

I don't know how consistently I'll be able to post, especially for the next month or so. I'm sure I'll find a good rhythm soon though... so click that follow button and stick around if you'd like!

Alright, I think that's about it. Thanks for the read!
Hope to see you around soon!

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