Hey! This is me

One of my favorite quote that I always put in my forehead, 0,5 cm above my eyes.


I am Maya Dewi, 26 years old woman live in the city called Yogyakarta in Indonesia. I am passionate in traveling, art and social working. I was born in a small village, one and half hours from this city. My village is located in the slope of Merapi volcano which is one of the most dangerous volcano in my country.
Nature in my village is beautiful, where you guys can enjoy the fresh air and green scenery of the mountains. I do love my village but I prefer more to see the other side of the world. That's why I decided to moved out to the city, pursued my degree there and get as much as experiences I can. Even it's not easy but believe in my dream is one of my strength to make my it comes true.
As a daughter from a middle-low family, is not easy to have a good education or even high education until university. I was struggling but I want to show to the people who give up easily in their dream that no matter where you come from, no matter your background is, as long as you want to work for your dream you can.
All you need to do is DREAM, Believe and Make it Happen!

Ps: I'm still working on it (my dream) :)

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