Introducing myself - Maybe a dentist, maybe a crypto enthusiast

I am Matej, a medic who is interested in crypto! I was born in Slovakia, however we moved to the Czech Republic after two weeks, so I did not even enjoy my native country.


I am currently studying Dentistry, I'm in my third year of studies. We learn on artificial patients, look at the picture bellow. But we are going to treat real patients next year! It will be more stressful, but the worst thing on the world would be if cryptocurrency market was in blood bath, right?

I am also interested in cryptocurrencies, it is my hobby and my job at the same time. I am investing, doing social marketing and reviews for ICOs. I've been doing it for a year.
A lot of people ask me how much I've earned and I answer them: I'll see in a few years.
I am looking for passive income because I don´t want to sped my all life at work. With cryptocurrencies it is possible, I hope.

What is your opinion? Am I a dreamer?

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