100 Followers and Reputation 48 in 11 days

This isn't supposed to be an introduction post. Actually, I have been here on steemit since August, but I only open my account and started writing on September 13. That makes today my 11th day.

11th day and I am happy to say that I have more than 100 followers, yay! And my reputation score went up from 25 to 48. This calls for a celebration! πŸŽ‰ 🎊


I just thought of publishing this here in the introduction area so more new members could see it.

I know you will feel discouraged. Your first or second post might get $0.00, even the tenth one even. But I tell you, you just have to keep on writing and engaging with the community.

There are times where you put your heart and soul into it, written it for 4 hours, and added so many pictures.

You are so excited and expected you will get floods of comments.

Then you post it...

You waited...

And waited.

Then... crickets ... nothing.

You check the article to look for upvote and engagement. But there isn't any.

You start to wonder if your internet is not working. You keep on refreshing it, and still... there isn't any.

I felt that way in some of the works I've written, in my first few days. It gets disheartening when you see the dollar amount, especially when you see a one-word sentence post by someone and they get $100 for that.

I will tell you a secret that is so obvious yet people always tends to forget.

Don't think about the money and write something you would be proud of.

That sounds lame but it's the truth. When I remove my goal in the money and change it to 'at least one article per day', my steemit life became happier. I can control my goal, if I didn't write one article, that is my fault. And in every day that I get to finish one, that alone could make me happy.

The earning serves as a bonus to the hard work I put in. And what even makes me happier are the comments that I get. It feels like someone is reading my work, and they get value out of it.

So for everyone who is doing their introduction today, expect that steemit won't make you rich overnight. It would take hard work and patience.

Even the whales who earn thousands of dollars in every post started with zero.

Note to self: Just keep on writing, and enjoy the journey. Eventually, you will get where you want to be


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