Hello Steemit, Faithfulomoy said you'd be nice

My name is Maro from Nigeria.
I'm kinda new here and this right here is my very first post.
My steemit A.K.A @marogreat was coined from a part of my Name and a part of its meaning.

So I was told by @faithfulomoy that steemit is a great community for people who like to learn and share. Well, I wouldn't call myself an expert or professional writer, but i do my best and I have been told on some occasions that they were good(I really hope they were not just being modest).
That being said, I would do my best to contribute to the growth here on steemit and I think this would make a safe

Now a little bit about me
Let's start with my view about life.
I think that everyone should be able to affect their environment no matter how insignificantly. Life is a beautiful thing and I just love living. Living in the moment has got to be the best way to enjoy it. I believe in having fun and although it may not be the typically or generally agreed idea of fun, it seems to work for me. Someone told me once that I was subtly unconventional and I thought of it as a complement (weird? Maybe not so much. There are people who would agree with me). Life has a lot to offer, we just have to be willing to discover it.
I love nature and everything it represents. Maybe that's why I love the idea of living so much. I love to see the trees grow big and beautiful. I guess it won't as a surprise that I am a fruit freak.
I love music. I mean anything with lyrics that can appeal to my mind and mood. The voice has to be good though (LOL!). I like listening to old school songs every now and then and I think classical music rocks.👌


I don't really like talking about it so much but I'm kinda like a foodieeee(Pardon the extra e's. They're just there to show how much I love my food😁). I love to cook, and eat. I really can't say yet if I would post any recipes though. I could just teach you how to cook some Nigerian delicacies.

What am I going to post on steemit?
To be very honest, I cannot tell you that I would post on one topic or another but I hope to share a lot of nice stuff here. Stuffs about life generally, could even be my own stories and experiences once in a while. My mood determines what I write (don't fret, I would make sure it does not bore you to sleep). Just be sure to follow and you may just wake up to some really good reads. Wouldn't hold a grudge if you don't.
I am just really happy with the fact that those articles that build up in my head every now and then would have a new place to stay. Thank you Steemit for the parking space. (LOL!)

Let's connect and Steem together.


Maro (@marogreat)

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