Here's Why You Are Not Rich!

My very first post here on Steemit sharing the only 2 things you can do to become Financially Rich.

Now I know that most, after watching this video will say: yeah duh-uh, of course.
Well if it is such a logical and well known principle, how come you ain't doing it?

So the two steps are simple:

  1. Create a Surplus
  2. Invest that Surplus

Most people that I know who don't follow this principle tend to point out they simply do not earn enough to create a surplus big enough to invest. Hello? Well here we are on Steemit where you can invest as little as $10 to start making a change!

However, the biggest issue I notice is, as someone posted on my YouTube video recently:

"If I had a Billion Dollars I would give you 100 million"

No you wouldn't because that would mean that with your, let's say $10.000 right now you would give me $1000. And then all of a sudden it's a different story. It doesn't matter how much you earn, there is always a way to save a little on the side. Yet don't let that little bit or large chunk of money sit in your bank account collecting dust. With interest rates as low as 0.05% here in The Netherlands, that's right! not 5.00 % 0.05 % !!!! you will lose al your money on taxes and inflation.

So figure out where it's going wrong with you, are you not creating a big enough surplus to make a difference in your financial life? Or are you not investing that surplus?

Btw, even someone who got rich from the lottery got rich using exactly these 2 steps, it is applicable to every situation.

1: Harold works at 7 eleven and earns $1400 a month of which he has $150 left at the end of the month. (surplus)
2: Harold decides to buy a lottery ticket for $5 of the $150. (Investing, yes maybe a stupid investment, but hey).

Harold became financially rich due to dividends of his investment.

Here's a written version of the video:

So there's only 2 things you can do in order to become financially rich. Only two things. And those two things are: One, create a surplus. Two, invest that surplus. So if you're not rich right now it means that you're not doing either one of them or neither of them. Now it's very easy: what is a surplus? Let's say you earn $2000 a month, you spend $1500 you have $500 left. That is your surplus. Now most people have a surplus, but they spend it on stuff. So either they save it and then use it to go on holiday or buy a car, or they just spend it on buying new clothes or going out for dinner. That's fine, you'll just never be rich. So: Take the surplus and then invest it. That's the second step. So now go figure where is it going wrong with you? Are you having a big enough surplus? Yes or No? Are you investing that surplus? Or maybe you don't have a surplus and you're not even investing whatever little bit you do have left. And that's why you're not rich...

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