IntroduceYourself - Hey there! This Is Me, Clarita

Well Hello! Nice to meet you steemers. My Name is Maria Clara Linares, better known as Clarita. I'm an artist and certainly I'm madly in love with music. To Introduce myself, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my story, my life, what makes me who I am today.

So first of all, this is me...

I'm venezuelan, I'm 21 years old and I can say that I grew up as a tiny little drama queen. Since I was a little girl I wanted to have something to do with art, belong to that big dream world. I was born In Valencia - Venezuela, but at the age of 4 I traveled with my family to this new adventure, an opportunity that changed my life. Northern Ireland, that was are destiny, that was the place I called Home for 4 years . I lived there until I was 8 years old. I discovered a hole new culture, new people, new language and new friends.

This is me and my classmates in a christmas recital.

The biggest influence in my life has been my family. I grew up In a home full of music, art an love. My parents love music, they are also musicians. All my uncles sing, my cousins do too. I have two sisters, one of them wakes up with music and sleeps with music, never stops. And the other one is an english teacher, but in her teenage years she could'nt stop singing those britney spears sticky songs. So hey! What else was I gonna fall in love with?

I learned how to play the guitar and the cuatro at the age of 11, then I had feelings for the drums, I got in piano lessons a few years later and now I study to be a music teacher at college! I'm also an english teacher here In Venezuela. I started teaching english to kids when I was 16, and now teaching is like my favorite hobby (Thank you Ireland!). I love dancing, singing, acting, writing and reading.
I'm a huge dreamer, I'm creative and optimistic. In love with LOVE... I love romance and love stories, poetry, love songs, novels and passion. I love GOD, his creation and mysterys. Life is a rollercoster ride and talking about it makes feel more and more curious about how things (or people) move and move until they find their sense. So I'll probably be writting about LIFE, LOVE and MUSIC. I like to be random sometimes, so you'll find some of that in this blog too.

Greetings, and feel yourself more than WELCOME!

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