A very bizarre self-introduction 大概是一篇挺奇怪的自我介绍




说到开启这个账号,源于昨晚看村上的一篇散文,是讲 between the devil and the deep blue sea,翻译过来就是进退维谷这种境况的,倒是挺契合我现在的生活。想了想,这样的生活确是有记录必要的,以后得空胡言乱语些,也算是练练笔了。

最后感谢我的小伙伴@shanghairabbit 的邀请,相遇自是有缘,以后也请大家多多指教啦~



Hi guys, I am Maoxue, I graduated from a top university in China a few years ago, now working in the same university as administration staff. I love life, passionate with discovering the niceties from everyday routine and surprised that life is full of small but solid happiness. I am fond of reading, my favorite writers are Calvino and Borges, I am longing to go traveling, I am actually planing to go to Japan or Nepal recently.....

Is that me??? Boring!!

As a matter of fact, I hate to admit but I am quite the opposite:

Surely the university ranks high in China, but I was left no choice but to stay and work here. Why? Having a rustic and woody (civil engineering) major, changing jobs seems rather unrealistic!

Love reading? Yes, aim to read at least two hours a day but fall asleep after three quarters.

Long to go traveling? Well said, but, who said dream has to come true? Sometimes, If you put it in your heart, wouldn’t it be better? A female otaku’s inner world goes like: my favorite life is to wake up naturally everyday and my favorite place is my bed.

Anyway, thanks to @shanghairabbit ’s introduction of this amazing website, I am actually in a dilemma, as Haruki Murakami puts it in his novel: “between the devil and the deep blue sea”. I guess it is not bad if I try to start a new journey here. As for what to write, I really have no idea right now, perhaps no one cares me that much, but if what I would write amuse you somehow, don’t forget to follow me, I will be flattered (laugh)

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