Hello Steemians

Hello Steemians,

Though I'm pretty new to the cryptocurrency markets, during my search for info and knowledge I found a lot of interesting posts describing, explaining or advising on the topic. When I learned that Steemit is a platform with it’s own currency (I saw it as one of those ‘common’ forums where people talk and discuss things related to their hobby or a subject they (think they) know a lot about) I decided to join and see where browsing around stories, following people I think will bring more insight on topics I’m interested in, would bring me.

I, myself, am a currently 19 year old mathematics student. I study at Delft University of Technology, one of the better known universities of the Netherlands, where I am in my third year. If all goes right I’ll finish my bachelor next year, which is one year later than planned.

People know me as either Marissa or Momo (my nickname and a name I've used online for quite a long time now). I’m known for my almost endless patience while I, at the same time, can be a stress bomb – especially when I’m not known with whatever I’m doing.
Most of my time is spend studying. Free time I spend with my boyfriend, or is used to draw, play (video) games, make jigsaw puzzles or write. I used to work but with university limiting my working hours drastically this year (I’ve to spend way more time at uni than past years) they decided to let me go.

As for games I play on either my Toshi (a laptop) or my ps4. I mainly play League of Legends, which for now runs surprisingly well considering my laptop. Where I love to play as the character (or champion) Gnar.
On ps4 I’ve played a wide range of games, but the DragonAge and the Witcher series are some of my favourites.

Gnar - taken from https://red-monkey.deviantart.com/art/Gnar-590979611

News combined with the enthusiasm of my boyfriend, who stepped in about a half year ago. He’s been telling me stories for all that time and I’ve not been a good listener, mostly because in his excitement he’s never taken the time to explain what it is or what it means.

Now I must say I’ve grown more and more curious over time and carefully started investigating on my own a bit. Reading up on something that apparently has existed for years without me ever knowing, for the first time sharing his interest in all those digital coins.
To be honest it sounded a bit magical at first, I was sceptical – I still am to some degree.
I love the technology behind coins, the idea of block chains and the way they work. At least up to what I’ve read about it and the level of my understanding. He didn’t really seem to care about that part, kind of knew what coins were built upon, but mostly interested in the rapid gains you can get, in the making money part… the risky part.

For now I’ll be doing my own investigation, until I get bored of the subject – and I have no questions left to ask.

Which I think sums up most there’s to know about me, but feel free to ask questions. Also please note English isn’t my first language. It’s on a decent enough level, but there are horrific grammatical errors I might not notice – feel free to tell me if I do.

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