What the country needs now?196 countries in all over world and 7 continents in the world.

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The land of Gods and goddesses is now a land of criminals and demons.The victims among others are helpless passengers in trains and buses,innocent men on the roads and loyal workers of the country.Thus we believe,we have found the missing link between animals and civilized men.

The alarming rise in the incidence of crime is partly due to general lowering of standards in public and private life.The economics reasons may be a cause,but infinitely worse is the moral and spiritual recessions.The quality of our public life is,no doubt,high but politics has become tattered and tainted with crime.

The moral standard of our administrators and criminals are distinguishable from one another.India today is living example of the fact that power corrupts and absolute.Power corrupts absolutely.There are some possible causes for these miserable conditions of the country.

The first cause is the failure of Govt..policy in maintenance of law and order.We have too much government but too less governance too many laws but too little justice.The second cause is the lack of potential stability of the country.The third cause is the failure of human investment.A number of so called educated young men remain isle throughout the year.They also want to be dolls in offices and just earn money doing nothing.The most important problem of the country today is the lack of moral leadership.No body thinks today about morality.

Selfishness of people kills all the active cell of the mind.Thus the blame must be shared by the people along with the government because it is the public who elect politicians to power.

Indian history gives us two basic lessons,our people have always taken their moral standards from their rulers ,often risen to great height when they have basked in the glow of able kings or leaders,kingdom have been destroyed not by adversity but by corruptions.

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Corruption is the greatest menace of public institution,poverty,however,poses a far smaller threat .Far from giving the moral leadership which the people are waiting for our politicians posion the government machinery and also create a bad faith of the people.Thus after casting a vote in lieu of some money people suffer for five years because there is no way to reject corrupt leaders unless or untold the constitution is changed according to the needs of the majority the country will be a place of criminals only.

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