Helllloooooo, world of Steemit! I am happy to be here!

Just a few nights ago, I was watching through some YouTube videos about Bitcoin and blockchain in general, specifically exactly how transactions work and how the algorithms work, etc. I am trying to learn enough to hopefully soon get a job in this space (that is a story for another time... let's just say that I am flying through a furiously-paced self education. I LIKE TO KNOW ALL THE THINGZes.). My eight-year-old son peaked over my shoulder, and said, "whatcha watchin', mama?" Sooooo.... Thus began my approximately 1-1/2 hour-long foray into beginning to explain the world of blockchain technology to my little Dragon. We dug in and got into some pretty intense videos, including some that went even deeper than I had on my own yet about neural network programming and more, and he lapped up every minute of it -- and I, of course, was feeling alternately like either mom-of-the-year, or totally out of my league and wondering what I am going to do to keep this kid challenged, ha ha!


~Baby Dragon, hanging out in our parking lot garden at our previous recording studio, holding his beloved mutant tomato. He has a soft side, too, and likes to garden with me... He's not just a nunbers animal!~

Before you wonder where my brain is at or what is wrong with me, understand that this is a child who has been asking about negative numbers, multiplying fractions and decimals, how compound interest and ROI work with investing money, and all kinds of other things that are way too advanced for his age, for the past few years now. He's in love with math and he just GETS it, in a way I never did at that age age and still don't. I have to work hard on it sometimes! I am more of an artistic brain type. Give me a paragraph to edit and proofread, give me a pen and paper to write poetry or stories with, and I am in heaven. But for Little Dragon, one of his favorite things to do on car rides is still what he calls the Math Game-- He will sit there and make up crazy math problems, like 5 + 13 x 275 / 6 + 17 x 100 minus (-322) +1000 ... and then, either whoever is in the passenger side seat-- whether it's me or his Dada-- will go through it and solve it with him verbally, or if I'm on my own with him and his little brother, he writes it down and then we sit down and solve it when we get home. This is his favorite thing to do!

This is basically what brought me to Steemit. Seems unrelated, I suppose.... but it's not.

My son's absolute love and feelings of wonder related to math and technology seriously inspired me some time ago, starting when he was in Preschool. I figured, when he first asked me what happens when you take 10 away from 2 (this was around Kindergarten time... and he UNDERSTOOD the answer about how negative numbers work, and proceeded to play with the idea for days afterwards), that I would need to get over my fear of math and start working to be able to help him as he progresses. So, I started to tinker with ideas about going back to school again to finish my degree, or self education courses I could do from home,when I stumbled upon some information about blockchain and bitcoin shortly thereafter. I was hooked quickly, and totally interested. You see, I had known OF Bitcoin, but never really gotten into it, and it wasn't until after my little Dragon was born that his young love of cool technology and math-related everything started to work its magic on me, too. I didn't act on my new-found fascination with block chain for awhile, but I started to read and learn about block chain tech, and I became more confident-- I realized that the whole concept is beautiful to me and tickles the artistic side of my brain. I realized that Math, tech and art really can intersect in so many ways. So, I've decided that I'm going to learn how to code, and in fact, Dragon and I are starting off with doing Hour of Code exercises together, and now we will be learning Python together with a workbook that is designed for his age-- so I know that I will be able to make my way through it too, and I figure we will help each other out.

Basically, for a little more background, for the past few years I have been fortunate enough to be able to be a stay-at-home mom to both little Dragon and his little brother (aka Baby Kitty Cat) for the past 4 years, ever since the little one was born. My husband is my hero and is AMAZING. We have been doing ok with me at home, but finances are getting tighter so recently I've been trying to figure out how best to get back into the job market. We all know that the job market sucks hard right now. It's just reality. I definitely have skills-- I have worked as a shipping and receiving manager, a legal assistant at a family law firm, an assistant manager at an automotive paint supply store... I've worked as a personal shopping assistant and business assistant to home business owners.... I've worked as a nanny for various families, and also done a ton of babysitting. I have done various other things. I drove for Lyft back when they were still only in San Francisaco, in the early days (I still love it and use it, and am still registered as a driver, but am not currently actively driving for various reasons). I guess I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. But, I was never that into computers or technology, even though I was always really interested in it. I just always felt like I never had "What It Takes" to understand everything. I was scared of it. I still kind of am. And that always felt kind of weird, but I didn't know how to place it or make it better.

Let me explain. I am a huge nerd for many, many reasons. But I'm not really a normal nerd... I guess. So people tell me, anyway.

~I suck at this creating images thingie. Also learning how to do better at that. But, I am having fun and making fun of myself!!~

Wait, what is normal? I dunno. Anyway -- Seriously. I grew up playing Magic, The Gathering and every single NES and Super NES games (and beyond) my older brother and I could get our hands on, especially every Final Fantasy game. I was active, and athletic, but not really a girly girl, and I was NOT one of the "popular" kids" That suited me fine and fit with my nerd persona. I had my loves of life-- like karate... running... going to girl scout camp every single summer and learning all of the silliest songs in the world (now, I sing them all to my kids as bedtime songs. And they love them. Full circle, bwa ha ha!). I used to hang out on AIM and in all the turn-based text-only RPG game chat rooms of the time (my name was always Phoenix or Phoenix Rising or some iteration thereof). I was an early adopter of Myspace (I know, I know). I wrote intensely dramatic teenager poetry and songs, played the flute in band (I still play!), Etc. etc. etc.....

Btw-- No, I did not go to band camp. That's the one feather I can't stick in my cap. Probably for the best, right? But you'll have to ask my husband to be sure-- after all, he DID sit behind me all through middle and high school band classes. See what I mean? N.E.R.D.S!

BUT..... anyway. I have always been so scared of math and of learning about what makes computers WORK. Now, thanks to little Dragon, I have been inspired to overcome that fear, to finally feel like I can really embrace the much more nerd-centered side of my brain that I love but has always cowered in the corner, and to push myself to learn the things I have always loved and been interested in but just didn't believe I could handle. Now that we are learning to code together and jumping into new territory for both of us, I can't wait.

The other night, when we watched those videos about blockchain, networks and Bitcoin together, I had the pleasure of watching his face light up just like it did when he first understood the concept of negative numbers years ago. I'm a junkie for that look on his face - I want to encourage that wonder. And, I am no longer so worried about keeping up or keeping him challenged. I know I got this, yo.

~Lil Dragon and B. K. Cat being monkeys. Look, they're budding tree-climin' hippies, too... Just like Mama and Dada. At least We're doing SOMETHING right.~

Thanks for reading, fellow Steemians! I'm not entirely sure yet what my plans are for my posts here. It will likely be a hodgepodge where I will talk about the WHATEVER of the day - hence the name I chose, "mamatalks." Most will probably not be this long. I'm just having too much fun with this. I have been writing secretly under cover of darkness for years but never really blogged. I have to say though, I'm extremely excited to be here, and I'm totally in love with Steemit already. And, please remember to be kind to each other, and to me... Roasting is cool, but keep it clean if you can please. ;) In all likelihood, my lil' Dragon will be on here reading my posts from time to time or even helping me with them and contributing himself. Eventually, Baby Kitty Cat will be on here I am sure, too... yesterday I caught Dragon trying to explain to him what exactly Bitcoin is (B. Kit. Cat is 4). And, he was doing a darn good job, too. (Beams with pride!)

Here we go. I'm ready. To the future, y'all. ;)

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