Who is Mama P?

I am a 29-year-old female living in Southwest Florida. I am a full time high school Spanish and ESOL teacher. I am a full time Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate student. I am a therapist intern. I am a sister. I am a daughter. I am a friend. I am currently going through a divorce, my second one. Yup, married and divorced twice before the age of 30. Quick to fall? Indeed. I am slowly learning that I do not need another person in order to be happy. I know it’s cliché but very much true. I have recently become more spiritual then I think I have ever been in my life. I guess out of desperation, we reach out. Whether it be for answers or just support. I am hoping to share my crazy life as it progresses. The trials and tribulations of a high school teacher, grad student, newly single, almost 30-year-old female. Stay tuned for some serious shit. Real stuff. Some other tidbits? My favorite color is green, I love penguins, and I have never broken a bone.


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