Hi, My name is MaliceRed, I'm a graphics Designer


Hello everyone! I'm MaliceRed, and this is my introduction post. As a disclaimer, I will not unviel my identity, as I prefer to keep my presense known only through my Alias, and my work. I am terribly sorry if that is not acceptable. I'm new to the steemitque in all honesty, and don't wish to offend anyone. I'm told it should be fine though. As it doesn't break any rules.

End disclaimer.

Who am I?

Malice Red. The name Malice is something that always sounded cool to me. And I used to have this J-rock phase, and one of my favorite bands was called Malice Mizer. Red is one of my favorite colors.. So, you put them together, you get Malice Red.

Ironically, I'm not a malicious person, infact I'm quite the opposite. I have a bit of a bleeding heart, and I'm a very humble type of person. I like to think that the red behind my alias means symbolizes passion, which I am about everything.

I'm a freelance graphics designer. Most of my customers were crypto startups. Y'know, entrepreneurs looking to kickstart their ideas into businesses within the crypto world.

Perhaps a few of you folks heard of me, but most likely not. I was introduced into the steemit world by @someguy123, he's pretty much all about Steemit and is always looking to welcome new people into Steemit. @someguy123 was the person who introduced me to bitcoins in the first place and got me strarted as a freelance designer.

As a graphics designer, a huge brunt of my actual experience comes from working with small startups, more specifically with people in cryptocurrency community. I used to run a graphics design service thread. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=559613.0 if you're morbidly curious.

I've long since closed up shop there. But I will definitely be taking commissions up on steemit if anyone wanted to employ me.

Perhaps you guys are curious as to who did @privex's Logo? That'll be me. :D


My hiatus from designing

I'm returning from my hiatus. I took a big leave from graphics design to look for stable work. As a freelancer, I did not do too much networking, didn't branch out enough. So commissions were too far apart.

So, what kind of work did I do? Well, I worked for AT&T as a customer service sales rep, which was really a blast. Unfortunately for me, my transportation arrangements didn't really pan out, and was forced to take up a work at home position with Boston market. When I worked for AT&T, I did it well, always had remarkable stats. High ratings from customer feedbacks. And had sold enough to be top salesmen for a few months. No bluffing here. Something that I will take with me from working there is sales.

I learned that in this day and age if you want to sell something, you have to make sure that what you're selling is going to help the customer. That's a lesson I'm going to be taking with me.

Trouble on the horizon

Unfortunately for me, my current job working at home is not providing enough. The apartment complex that I reside in has new management. They're hiking up the rent, switching the included utility to.. well, not so included. Sigh, just thinking about it makes me want to stop writing about it...
Now working on the Boston Market program, I just can't afford to stay here anymore. And just this last week, my hours have been cut due to low call volume.

With all the trouble cropping up in my life, and tough financial problems. I have to say, it's really hard being me. And trust me, that rabbit hole goes deeper. There are a lot of things happening in my life that has been going wrong. My relationship being a sham that has gone on for 5 years. My mom battling cancer. My impending eviction. Being broke to the point where I have only cents to my name.

It feels like my life is a maze, and all the paths lead to a dead end. And I don't know why I'm writing these very personal things. I guess if this was a chapter of my life... I would call it, trouble on the horizon. And talking about it, offers a bit of release. I'm not sure how to describe it.

The burning passion of red.

You talk to anyone who has known me, and one thing they will tell you is that I am a passionate person. I'm hot blooded. I lose my temper and, I have a tendency to put 110% into a lot of things I do. I don't give up, and I don't give in. And I'll do anything for people I care about. Despite these many things crashing together in my life, I simply cannot give up. It's not in my nature.

When I first started graphics design, people used to say I sucked. So I continued to do it. Til this day, I still suck. Somewhere along the line, people decided to pay me for my work. Hah.

In all honesty, my work always was lacking in my eyes. But whenever I was commissioned for work, one thing that was gratifying was submitting a final design. And people who truly loved what they paid for were... the best. I mean. Someone hired me to create something for them, and they stuck through all the drafts, the mood boards, and revisions, and loved the final product. I miss the feeling of doing a job well done.

My life may be taking a nose dive, but I'm far from done. I'm going to work my butt off harder than ever to get everything on track. And to expand myself as a graphics artist and content creator.

My aims

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When I look at steemit, I feel that there is a lot of attention here. I feel a sense of community and opportunity. I think that steemit is a platform for ideas, and sharing. It's pretty fantastic honestly. I know that there are a lot of big thinkers in here, and as a graphics designer, and content creator, I can contribute to the cause of expanding this ever growing think tank.

For my content, I really want to put in 110%. I want to share my thoughts and opinions on the bridge of entrepreneurs and design. Company imaging, and user experience. I'd also like to extend a helping hand to the community when I can, perhaps I can offer freebies to help someone out there. I'd like to share experiences that I've had with some of my past customers. And most of all, I want to grow my knowledge of graphics design and share what I know with aspiring designers out there.

Special Thanks

I want to give a special thanks to @someguy123 for reaching out and convincing me to create a thread. I've worked with @someguy123 for countless projects, and I trust him closer than a brother. We've worked on many projects before, and I look forward to collaborating on Steemit projects.

I also want to thank you for taking your time to read my post. I'm a very humble individual, and well, just the thought of someone taking the time to sift through my garbage of a post is a humbling experience. With any support, I will definetely do my best to contribute to steem.

Hey, did you want to contact me?
I'll be available on steemit chat @malicered


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