Musician Majestic Khare's debut post!


Hey wassup! Glad to be here and thanks for having me. This looks like fun!
I'm a Blues musician with a Hip Hop foundation.

Some of my music is lyrical and some is instrumental. I've been told my instrumentals are inspirational; particularly for entrepenuers, which is great i feel since this is a platform built for prosperity.

My music all stems from luv energy even when its tough luv. I speak from the heart.

I enjoy a variety of cultural interests which include food ( vegan/vegetarian) , wine, medicinal cannibus, health and wellness, fitness, artwork, agriculture, entrepenuership and just having fun with adventure; Improving the quality of life overall.

As a Musical Content Creator and Social Artist i'm looking forward to contributing!

Here's a cool tune to get things moving and grooving..

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