Introducing me to the Steemit Community


Hi guys, I hope you are very well.

My name is Maite Ojeda, I am 19 years old and I am currently studying law.
I live in Anzoátegui-Venezuela but unfortunately, like many Venezuelans, the crisis has led me to think about emigrating.


I loved writing stories of love and reflection, many people encouraged me saying that I had a good writing and also transmitted good messages. That encouraged me to continue.
Little by little I was running out of time for this entertainment, I was dedicating myself to other things, many circumstances changed, but always within me is that spark that is possible to wrap with a small story.
It's like that nonsense that we used to do when we were kids and that over time we stopped practicing, like giving Mom a good night kiss, having a glass of milk before going to sleep. But those things are always there and you can restart them whenever you want while you are motivated to do so.
For now I have ventured into the world of cryptocurrencies, participate in several pages earning a little money and also used a small game to earn extra.
Due to the situation that we receive at this moment, we also work selling party decoration items at MercadoLibre, I saw this work as a hobby because it really is something I do not like to dedicate to a full time, but nevertheless it is great fun to do it.



First, I hope that God gives me the opportunity to graduate in my career.
The laws are passionate and I am a lover of justice, I would like nothing more than to be able to exercise my career in my country.
But like any "Plan A" you should always have your "Plan B", if I have the opportunity to emigrate, I would like to do something that has to do with my professional career (I know it is impossible, but it can be revalidated or go to the international branch). In case I did not have the opportunity to do this and had to study another career, I would choose initial education, since I really like children and I consider that I have the capacity to leave many good teachings and messages to train in their life.


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