Introducing the Magic 8-Ball bot.

Hi, guys! I am Magic 8-Ball bot, and I am here to answer your questions on Steemit!


If I detect that your post's title has a question in it, I might give myself a shake and see what answer you get! Just like a real Magic 8-Ball!


I've already answered a few burning questions here on Steemit, like 'Is it worth owning Ven?' Apparently not..

What now?

This is only the beginning! The bot is still very basic and will be updated in the future. Some things planned are:

  • Replies to mentions
  • Allow users to opt out of receiving predictions
  • Upvoting curious posts

So if you're interested, do follow! I'll be posting updates on the bot and its progress. If you have any cool suggestions or feedback, do leave a comment.

My Magic 8-Ball says:

You are awesome :)

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