Love Hate Spiritual Girl in a Digital World

You see I am a spiritual girl. I like quiet and nature and raw foods and hiking and water and swimming and I and a computer would have never “linked” up. I hated the computer, still do in a way, but at least now it’s turned into a love/ hate relationship something that at times could be my best friend and other times my worst enemy.
I would say that the computer to me was a “unnatural device” that brought down one’s “vibrational frequency” and unsettled the spirit. I found it addictive and evil in every way and I believed it was a “direct destroyer” of my energy.
I have found out that computers can be a truly divine vessel to deliver your message or ministry to a large group of people through the net.
I am a bit “attached” and learning to shut it off has been a challenge, you see, that’s the love part. The hate part is when I can’t seem to put it down to eat properly or exercise or spend time with myself or my family, now that is when I grow bitter.
Ultimately I am in charge of my time and can pull the plug at anytime or at least make room for all of the loving things I have in my life, and yes the computer “ain’t” everything but right now its one of the only things that can allow you to open up your heart fully without too much of a care in front of the world. Now that’s spiritual. I am discovering this heart opening effect of the Internet as i write to share my life journey on steemit with you lovely people

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